偶遇美文 怦然心动
You are the books you read,the films you watch,the music you listen to,the people you meet,the dreams you have,and the conversations tou engage in.You are what you take from these.
You are the sound of the ocean,the breath of fresh air,the brightest light and the darkest corner.
You are a collective of every experience you have had in life.君为亲历之集。
You are every single day.君为日之所成。
So drown yourself in knowledge and existence.Let the words run through your veins and let the colours fill your mind.
震撼人心 深陷其中
你所经历的都将成就你的一生。 在2006年以前,考研对于我来说天方夜谭、水中之月,是此生不可逾越之事。但是,当我下定决心去考研后,不顾周末休息上辅导班、下班买点快餐开始挑灯夜读、切断一切娱乐活动,用百天不懈努力,换取研究生录取通知书。 那个百天的我,造就了圆梦的我。 那个百天的我,展现了不一样的我。 那个百天的我,激励了更美好的我! You are every single day.君为日之所成。 过好每一天,让每一天都有价值,让每天都在成就更美好的自己!