
Basel 1




1.To strength the soundness and stability of the international banking system;

2. To diminish existing sources of competitive inequality among international banks



摘自Balthazar,L., 2006.From Basel 1 to Basel 3: The integration of state of the art risk modelling in banking regulation. Springer.

In the early 1980s, the onset of the Latin American debt crisis heightened concerns that the capital ratios of the main international banks were deteriorating at a time of growing international risks. The world needs a unified banking regulatory system to remove a source of competitive inequality arising from differences in national requirements.



Basel 1的内容是什么?

针对"internationally-active", G10-incorporated banks,

Since 1 January 1993, all G10 incorporated, internationally-active banks have been obliged to observe a minimum risk asset ratio (RAR) of 8% to cover credit risk.


Since 1 January 1998, the same banks have been obliged to accommodate market risk alongside credit risk under a revised RAR methodology but using the same floor of 8%.


Subject to supervisory approval, banks may use internal models (i.e. VaRs) to calculate their market risk capital charges.


Basel 1 的意义与缺陷

意义:Basel 1 created a worldwide benchmark for banking regulations. Designed originally for internationally active banks of the G10 countries, it is now the basis of the inspiration for banking regulations in more than 100 countries and is often imposed on national banks as well. international banks are now facing a uniform set of rules, which avoids them having to discuss with each national regulator what the correct capital level should be for conducting the same business in many different countries. Additionally, banks of different countries competing on the same markets have equivalent regulatory capital requirements. That is clearly an improvement in comparison with the situation before 1988.

The introduction of different risk-weights for different assets' classes, although not reflecting completely the true risks of banks' credit portfolios, is a clear improvement on the previous regulatory ratios that were used in some countries - such as equity: assets or equity: deposits ratios.

Has the Basel 1 Accord succeeded in making the banking sector a safer place? A lot of research has been carried out on the subject (see, for instance, Jackson, 1999), but the answer is still unclear. The capital ratios of most banks indeed increased at the beginning of the 1990s (the capital ratios of the large G10 banks went from an average of 9.3 percent in 1988 to 11.2 percent in 1996), and bank failures diminished (for instance, yearly failures of FDIC-insured banks in the US wen tfrom 280 in 1988 to fewer than 10 a year between 1995 and 2000).



巴塞尔协议1是否成功地使银行业成为一个更安全的地方?关于这一主题已经进行了大量的研究(例如,Jackson, 1999),但是答案仍然不清楚。大多数银行的资本充足率的确增加了1990年代初(G10大型银行的资本比率从1988年的平均9.3%到1996年的11.2%),和银行倒闭减少每年的失败(例如,fdic担保银行在美国从280到1988年的不到10之间的1995年和2000年)。


1. The agreement is not legally binding, undermining its effectiveness.

2. The geographical coverage achieved is limited, undermining the stability of' the international banking system.

3. The use of a flawed methodology in the credit risk assessment process

4. The use of'"inexact" (in an actuarial sense) risk weights and conversion. factors in the weighting system

5. Induces a misallocation of capital resources within the banking industry.

6. Induces a misallocation of capital resources between the bank and non-bank sectors of the economy.

7. Induces distortion in banks' pricing and other business decisions.

[if !supportLists]8.      [endif]Leads to a misallocation of resources due to the induced balance sheet restructuring by banks.

9. May breed complacency. [Strict adherence to the guidelines by all internationally-active banks would still not guarantee their solvency nor the stability of the international financial system.]

10. Not enough done to level the playing field for international banks.

11. Risks contributing to global and/or regional"credit crunches".

12. May induce perverse and potentially destabilising responses on the part of banks.













Perhaps the most serious are:

1.the use of a flawed risk assessment methodology(使用有缺陷的风险评估方法)

2.the induced distortions and misallocation of resources(造成资源扭曲和分配不当)

3.the perverse, and potentially destabilising, bank responses that may be induced (the most worrying forms of balance sheetengineering–nowtermed“regulatory capital arbitrage” –are“cherrypicking”and securitisation)(可能引发的反常且可能破坏稳定的银行反应(最令人担忧的资产负债表工程形式——现在被称为“监管性资本套利”——是“樱桃采摘”和证券化)).

Basel 2

1999年因为Basel 1的种种不足,2被提案并且一直在修正,直至2007年得到实施。




•             to continue to promote safety and soundness in the financial system

•             to continue to enhance competitive equality

•             to adopt a more comprehensive approach to addressing risks

•             to continue to focus on internationally-active banks, although the new framework’s underlying principles should be suitable for application to banks of varying levels of complexity and sophistication


1. improve the way regulatory capital requirements reflect underlying risks(改善监管资本要求反映潜在风险的方式)

2. better address the financial innovation that has occurred in recent years(更好地应对近年来出现的金融创新);

3. recognise and promote improvements in bank risk management and control(认识及推动银行风险管理及控制的改善)

4. adopt a more comprehensive approach to addressing risks(采取更加全面的办法应对风险)。

  Basel 2的内容是什么?


The three "pillars":

• minimum regulatory capital requirements


• supervisory review of an institution’s capital adequacy

and internal assessment process


• greater market discipline


After the publication of CP1, two further sets of proposals emerged – “CP2” and “CP3” – following consultation with the banking industry and other interested parties and “quantitative impact assessments” (“QISs”).


CP2, CP3是对CP1的完善和扩充。

Basel 2 的影响

Positive impact

1.Would increase stability of the internationalised banking system.

This would result from: the attempts made to minimise the"perverse" incentives facing banks; the focus on other  bank risks; the new obligations placed onsupervisors to engage in "prompt corrective action" and to imposebank-specific capital charges that closely reflect the risk exposures actuallyassumed; the consolidation of parent holding companies; the linking of thebenefits to be derived, in the form of reduced risk weightings (i.e. below 100%), by highly-rated banks to their supervisors' adoption of the BaselCommittee's "Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision"; theencouragement given, via wider supervisory recognition, to the development ofrisk mitigation techniques; the reduction of the bias in favour of short-terminterbank lending, the introduction of a higher (i.e. 150%) risk weight forlowly-rated (i.e. below "B-") borrowers; the abolition of the 50% capon the risk-weighting of derivative exposures; the incentives provided to allborrowers (bar some of those currently unrated) to seek higher credit ratings;the demand for greater information disclosure; and the new requirement forsupervisors to take  explicit account ofan individual bank's relative importance in national and international marketsand potential to trigger systemic instability.



2.Would increase economic efficiency.

This would result from: the use of external credit ratings,which take account of, inter alia, the characteristics of  the obligor, to determine risk weights;possible supervisory recognition of internal credit ratings and portfoliocredit risk models, which would align regulatory capital requirements moreclosely with the internal allocation of economic capital; the removal of thebias in favour of loans to OECD countries and OECD banks; the reduction·in thebias in favour of short-term (i.e. for less than 365 days) interbank lending; theremoval of the bias in favour of off-balance-sheet  (rather than on­balance-sheet) exposures viaabolition of the 50% cap on the risk weighting of derivative exposures; theremoval of the bias in favour of commitments of up to one year; theintroduction of a 150% risk weight for lowly-rated borrowers; the linking ofthe benefits gained by highly-rated sovereign borrowers (from reduced riskweights, i.e. below 100%) to the country's compliance with the IMF's"Special Data­ Dissemination Standards"; the attempts to block theuse of securitisation as a means of circumventing capital requirements throughthe risk-weighting of securitisation tranches; the incentives created for allborrowers (other than some of those currently unrated) to seek improved ratings;the encouragement given to the continued development of sophisticated riskmanagement techniques and their closer integration with capital allocationprocedures; the enhanced information disclosure requirements, which will leadto improved market transparency and greater market discipline.



3.Would contribute, on balance, to a further levelling of the regulatory playing field.

This would result from: the enforced geographical spread of prompt corrective action and the application of bank-specific capital charges; convergence in information disclosure standards and supervisory practices; removal of the bias resulting from OECD membership/incorporation.




[if !supportLists]1.        [endif]the retention of the flawed standardised riskassessment methodology which ignores risk correlations (even though a morerisk-sensitive framework, embracing external credit assessments, was applied)


[if !supportLists]2.        [endif]persisting disagreement over the risk assessment of certain credits (many viewed the treatment of residential property loans and commercial lending as lenient, as subsequently proved to be the case) and the use of VaR models for regulatory purposes


[if !supportLists]3.        [endif]the failure to address, satisfactorily, thepro-cyclical impact of the reform package, which risked amplifying businesscycles (although bankers were later asked to assess the riskiness of the loansover the full economic cycle under a Pillar 2 requirement that demands“meaningfully conservative credit risk stress testing” by banks adopting theIRB approaches)


[if !supportLists]4.        [endif]given the continuing doubts about the current“state of the art” in credit risk modelling and the lack of historical data on loan defaults, the real risks to “safety and soundness” if banks are given, prematurely, supervisory recognition of their IRB approaches and, further down the round, their portfolio credit risk models (there is a real possibility that, in some jurisdictions, the banks will be able to “browbeat” their supervisors into granting supervisory recognition of their models in circumstances where a more cautious approach would be advisable)


[if !supportLists]5.        [endif]the scale of the supervisory burden that would be faced in all jurisdictions, but especially in developing countries, which risks undermining the effectiveness of the proposals


[if !supportLists]6.        [endif]the scale of the compliance burden to be borneby the banking industry alongside the "capping" of some of the short-term benefits (especially in the US)


[if !supportLists]7.        [endif]continuing doubts about the wisdom of embracingexternal credit assessments within the assessment régime (for some, thesafeguards designed to ensure the public interest prevails in instances whereexternal credit assessments are embraced did not go far enough;  while others continued to question theaccuracy of the credit assessment ratings produced by the rating agencies, thesubsequent rating of structured products duly proving their point)


[if !supportLists]8.        [endif]concerns that, in connection with the credit calibration process, the correct balance had not been struck between, on the one hand, encouraging the take-up of the IRB approaches and, on the other, ensuring "safety and soundness"


[if !supportLists]9.        [endif]the Committee’s determination to treatoperational risk under Pillar 1 rather than Pillar 2


[if !supportLists]10.     [endif]thefear that, given the dramatic increase in the scope for national discretion,the quest for a level regulatory playing field would be seriously undermined,an objective already threatened by the variability in the quality of nationalsupervision (to allay such fears, the Basle Committee set up the ‘AccordImplementation Group’ to try to ensure a high degree of consistency inimplementation)


[if !supportLists]11.     [endif]fearsabout possible short-term adverse consequences for countries’ banking systems and economies


[if !supportLists]12.     [endif]theCommittee’s determination to secure the endorsement of its proposals by all G10countries, which led to unfortunate compromises on principle, which risked undermining both the spirit and the impact of the reform package


Basel 3

In April 2008, the Basel Committee announced plans to strengthen the resilience of the international banking system in the light of the fallout from the sub-prime crisis.


1.the inadequate levels of capital generally held by banks(银行普遍持有的资本金不足)

2.the failure of VaR models to estimate true levels of market risk(VaR模型未能估计市场风险的真实水平)

3.the failure to capture major on- and off-balance sheet risks, as well as some derivative-related exposures(未能捕捉到资产负债表内外的重大风险,以及一些衍生品相关风险)

4.the failure to prevent excessive credit growth in the run-up to the crisis as a result of banks’excessive leverage(在危机爆发前,由于银行杠杆率过高,未能阻止信贷过度增长)

5.the extent to which banks had arbitraged between the trading book and banking book(银行在交易账簿和银行账簿之间进行套利的程度)

6.the scale of the induced growth in the“shadow” banking system, which led to unsustainable reintermediation during the crisis(引发“影子”银行体系增长的规模,在危机期间导致了不可持续的再中介)

7.the failure to satisfactorily address systemic risk in thesystem(未能令人满意地处理系统内的系统性风险);

8.the failure to appreciably reduce the degree of pro-cyclicality in the regulatory framework(未能显著降低监管框架内的顺周期性程度);

9.the unavailability of certain kinds of hybrid instruments to absorb losses during the crisis(某些混合工具在危机期间无法吸收损失);

10.the folly of ignoring liquidity risks within the regulatory framework(在监管框架内忽视流动性风险的愚蠢行为);

11.continuing weaknesses in banks’risk management processes (Pillar 2)(银行风险管理过程中的持续弱点(支柱2))

12.inadequate and inconsistent disclosure of risk exposures and regulatory capital (Pillar 3)(风险暴露和监管资本的披露不充分和不一致(支柱3)

It planned to do

1.boosting capital cushions(提高资本缓冲)

2.creating robust liquidity buffers(建立稳健的流动性缓冲)

3.strengthening risk management and supervision (through further Pillar 2 guidance)(加强风险管理和监督(通过进一步的第二支柱指导))

4.enhancing market discipline through increased transparency(通过提高透明度加强市场纪律)

Basel 3的内容

new capital requirements:

Minimum common equity capital ratio requirement to be increased from the current 2%

level (before the application of strict regulatory adjustments) to 4.5% (after

the application of stricter adjustments) by 1 January 2015.


Minimum Tier 1 capital ratio requirement, which includes common equity and other

qualifying capital instruments based on stricter criteria, to be increased from

the current level of 4% to 6% by 1 January 2015.


A new“conservation buffer”, to be built up outside periods of stress and designed to ensure that banks maintain a buffer of capital that can be used to absorb losses during periods of financial and economic stress– rather than to be used to pay discretionary bonuses and dividends or buy back shares – to be introduced in 2016.  By 1 January 2019, it must amount to 2.5% of risk-weighted assets, to be met from common equity(after deductions).  This will raise the effective minimum common equity ratio requirement to 7% by that date.


A new “countercyclical buffer”, within a range of 0% to 2.5% of risk-weighted assets, may also be introduced, at national discretion. 


The overall minimum total ratio requirement to remain at its current level of 8% until the end of 2015, after which it will gradually increase to reach 10.5% by 1 January 2019 as a result of the phasing in of the capital conservation buffer.


New liquidity requirement:

After an observation period beginning in 2011, a new“liquidity coverage ratio” (LCR) requirement to be introduced on 1 January 2015 (full compliance was later delayed until 2019).


And, after an observation period beginning in 2012, a new“net stable funding ratio” (NSFR) requirement to be introduced on1 January 2018.


Future outlook of the Basle Accord

1.For the vast majority of the world’s banks, however,little changed, either because they were not internationally-active, or because they were not sophisticated enough to move beyond the standardised approach, or because they were incorporated outside the G10/EU and their policymakers decided against immediate adoption(然而,对于全球绝大多数银行而言,几乎没有什么变化,要么是因为它们在国际上不够活跃,要么是因为它们不够成熟,无法超越标准化方法,要么是因为它们是在10国集团/欧盟之外成立的,而它们的政策制定者决定不立即采用这种方法)

2.Moreover, and notwithstanding the implementation of Basel IIIand Basel IV reforms, there must be a doubt about the Capital Accord’s future, especially with respect to the revamped (yet again!) Pillar 1 requirements,which banks always seem to successfully‘game’.(此外,尽管实施了《巴塞尔协议III》和《巴塞尔协议IV》的改革,但人们肯定对《资本协议》的未来心存疑虑,尤其是在修订后的(又一次!)支柱1的要求,银行似乎总是成功地“游戏”)

Summary and Conclusion

[if !supportLists]1.      [endif]The Basle Committee is to be congratulated for moving, albeit belatedly, to address some of the long-standing flaws inherent in the original Capital Accord.


[if !supportLists]2.      [endif]Similarly, by responding in such a positive fashion to some of the criticisms levelled at it during the various rounds of consultation, the definitive version of Basel was, on balance, likely to prove more cost-effective than the packages proposed under CP1, CP2 and CP3.


[if !supportLists]3.      [endif]This did not mean, however, that the agreed reform package was without fault; a number of potentially-serious concerns remained, which duly became apparent during the global banking crisis of 2007-09.


[if !supportLists]4.      [endif]Moreover, the Committee might have done more to promote the wider use of market discipline as an integral part of bank prudential regulation and supervision.


[if !supportLists]5.      [endif]Notwithstanding these on-going concerns – BaselIII is widely condemned as doing “too little too late” - and the fact that relatively-few banks around the world will actually be required to comply with either Basel 3 or its successor Basel IV, much of value has come out of the Basel process.

Basel 3被谴责做得太少。

a) the cause of sound risk management within the banking industry has been furthered


b) bank supervisors around the world will be pressured into adopting accepted“best practices” sooner rather than later


c) the Pillar 3 requirements for enhanced information disclosure have stimulated discussion of the potential benefits of market discipline, restoration of which is sorely needed in the wake of the recent global financial crisis


[if !supportLists]6.      [endif]It is to be hoped that these developments can be taken forward under any future evolution of the Basel Accord


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