The POM for <name> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available
One reason for this is when you rely on a project for which the parent pom is outdated. This often happens if you are updating the parent pom without installing/deploying it.
To see if this is the case, just run with mvn dependency:tree -X and search for the exact error. It will mention it misses things you know are in the parent pom, not in the artifact you depend on (e.g. a jar version).
The fix is pretty simple: install the parent pom using mvn install -N and re-try
从码云clone一个项目下来,执行mvn clean install时有这个warning,查看是某个spring-boot-starter-xxx类型的项目的pom,导致一些相关要导入的依赖项没有导入使得编译失败。
在项目下面执行mvn denpency:tree -X,找到错误的地方,我这里是提示是另外一个依赖项pom有错误,在maven从库中将出错的依赖项删除后再重新执行命令,可正常完成。具体错误处理方式要根据错误提示操作,可能不同项目或环境有不同的错误。
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