肯定句与否定句(三分之二 可以直按原来语气。用否定表肯定语气更强)
I like nothing better.这正是我最喜欢的。
Don't have him for a friend.别把他当朋友。
You cannot make omelet without breaking eggs(有失才有得)
They chose none but the best.他们只选最好的。
用without out exception 表达“都要”
never flinched from any difficulties勇往直前
no ordinary 非凡
His literary level is above the average.一般人达不到
all skin and bones 觉不出肉
天无绝人之路:every cloud has a silver lining
人不可貌相: beauty is but skin deep
喘不过气:gaspe for breath。
论。。, 。。不如。。:in terms of 。。, be inferior to
真是长不完的见识啊(吃了亏,上了当):live and learn
我还不至于做这种事:I am wiser to do it。
不为谄媚所动:above the flattery、be superoir to the flattery
与什么格格不入,整体坐着不合乎一男孩的天性:Luxury is alian 、foreign to his nature。
还没见过这xx: xx is new to me
街上没车辆:the streets are empty of traffic at night.
小孩受不住:the cold is more than the child to bear(endure)
爱好和我的完全不同:his tasteS are quite other than mine
他明事理,不会向她提到这个问题:he knew better than to mention the subject to her.
He says he didn't cheat, but I know better.