iOS中在弹出的控制器的导航栏自动显示取消按钮以及自定义 Enable and change the custom cancel button follow these ways here:
自动显示默认的取消按钮的方法 A way to enable the normal appearance of custom cancel button
这里无需代码,将控制器作为弹出的导航控制器的根控制器即可。No more code here, use the view controller as the root controller of the navigation controller which present modally.
更改自定义取消按钮的外观和行为 Change the appearance and the event handler of custom cancel button
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// 更改自定义取消按钮的外观和行为
self.customCancel_barButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:IMAGE(@"extreme.bundle/icon-close-modal") style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(buttonAction:)];
// 另一种方式更改自定义取消按钮的行为
// @WeakObject(self);
// self.customCancelHandler = ^(id sender) {
// @StrongObject(self);
// [self performSelector:@selector(buttonAction:) withObject:sender];
// };
- (void)buttonAction:(id)sender {
self.customCancelHandler = nil;
- 详见极致框架官网<extreme.framework/EFBaseViewController.h>中自定义取消按钮部分的介绍。通过极致框架官网顶部的搜索功能搜索 customCancel_barButtonItem。
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