From my earlier failures, I knew that no matter how confident I was in making any one bet I
could still be wrong—and that proper diversification was the key to reducing risks without reducing
returns. If I could build a portfolio filled with high-quality return streams3that were properlydiversified (they zigged and zagged in ways that balanced each other out), Icould offer clients an overall portfolio return much more consistent andreliable than what they could get elsewhere.Decades earlier, theNobel Prize–winning economist Harry Markowitz had invented a widely used modelthat allowed you to input a set of assets along with their expected returns,risks, and correlations (showing how similarly those assets have performed inthe past) and determine an “optimal mix” of those assets in a portfolio. Buthis model didn’t tell you anything about the incremental effects of changingany one of those variables, or how to handle being uncertain about thoseassumptions. By then I was terribly fearful about what would happen if myassumptions were wrong, so I wanted to understand diversification in a verysimple way. I asked Brian Gold, a recently graduated math major from Dartmouthwho’d joined Bridgewater in 1990, to do a chart showing how the volatility of aportfolio would decline and its quality (measured by the amount of returnrelative to risk) would improve if I incrementally added investments withdifferent correlations. I’ll explain it in more detail in my Economic andInvestment Principles.
That simple chartstruck me with the same force I imagine Einstein must have felt when hediscovered E=mc2: I saw that with fifteen to twenty good,uncorrelated return streams, I could dramatically reduce my risks withoutreducing my expected returns. It was so simple but it would be such abreakthrough if the theory worked as well in practice as it did on paper. Icalled it the “Holy Grail of Investing” because it showed the path to making afortune. This was another key moment in our education.The principle we’ddiscovered applies equally well to all ways of trying to make money. Whetheryou own a hotel, run a technology company, or do anything else, your businessproduces a return stream. Having a few good uncorrelated return streams isbetter than having just one, and knowing how to combine return streams is evenmore effective than being able to choose good ones (though of course you haveto do both). At the time (and still today), most investment managers did nottake advantage of this. They managed investments in a single asset class:equity managers managed equities, bond managers managed bonds, and so on. Theirclients gave them money with the expectation that they would receive theoverall return of the asset class (e.g., the S&P 500 stock market index)plus some added returns from the bets managers took by over- and under-weightingparticular assets (e.g., buying more Microsoft stock than was in the index).But individual assets within an asset class are generally about 60 percentcorrelated with each other, which means they go up or down together more thanhalf the time. As the Holy Grail chart showed, an equity manager could put athousand 60 percent-correlated stocks into their portfolios and it wouldn’tprovide much more diversification than if they’d picked only five. It would beeasy to beat those guys by balancing our bets in the way the chart indicated.
1、 x轴是资产组合个数
2、y轴是年度投资组合基准偏差 ?
3、 随着投资组合的相关性提高,带来的投币回报风险和损失随之升高。
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