Favor: feel or show approval or preference for
1) Phenomenal English has been increasingly favored by serious English learners.
句型:“X has been increasingly favored by Y” 受……青睐
最近有一个很火的二手书交易平台“多抓鱼”(它的外文名是 Déjà vu)就可以说:
2) Déjà vu, an online second-hand book marketplace, has been increasingly favored by book lovers.
3) Mobile payment has been increasingly favored by beggars.
4) Clearly, Trump doesn't favor immigration.
William Zinsser 在 On Writing Well 中写采访的注意事项时,用过“favor”表“赞同”:
5) If he [interviewee] carefully weighed two sides of an issue and you only quote his views of one side, making him seem to favor that position, you will misrepresent what he told you.
我的版本:Many Chinese college graduates in China favor big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. (参考翻译的in China 更准确,我的版本可以理解成在国外的中国毕业生了,扩大了范围,句意更多是指中国的大学毕业生,但参考翻译没加大学,graduates也可指高中等毕业生,私认为不太好。)
参考翻译:Many graduates in China favor big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.
Luckin, a new coffee chain, has been increasingly favored by average coffee drinkers.
In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.
—Louis Pasteur, lecture 1854
French biologist & bacteriologist (1822-1895)