aleck: ['ælik] n. 傻瓜 smart-aleck 自作聪明的人
cheeky:rude or disrespectful, sometimes in a way that is amusing厚脸皮的,放肆的,无礼的,冒失的
knock sb flat:击倒某人
get the better of sb:打败某人
apprehensive: [,æprɪ'hɛnsɪv] adj.worried or nervous about something that you are going to do, or about the future〔对将做的事或对未来〕忧虑的,担心的
tigress:['taɪgrəs] a female tiger
put it another way: 换句话说
rolling-pin:n. 擀面杖
stammer: ['stæmɚ] v. [I,T ]to speak with a lot of pauses and repeated sounds, either because you have a speech problem, or because you are nervous, excited etc口吃,结结巴巴地说
triumphant: [traɪ'ʌmfənt] adj.showing pleasure and pride because of a victory or success〔因胜利或成功而〕扬扬得意的,耀武扬威的
venture:[T] to say or do something in an uncertain way because you are afraid it is wrong or will seem stupid. venture to do sth
impertinent:/ɪm'pɜːtɪnənt,ɪm'pɜːtənənt,ɪmˋpɝtṇənt/ adj.rude and not respectful, especially to someone who is older or more important. get impertinent with sb
blithering: ['blɪðərɪŋ]adj. 胡扯的;唠叨不已的 blithering idiot spoken someone who has done something very stupid
fester: v. 溃烂;化脓
fleabitten: 有红色斑点的
fungus:n. 真菌,霉菌
stagnant: adj. 停滞的;不景气的;污浊的;迟钝的
cesspool: n. 污水坑
monkey-nut: n. 落花生
nutty:adj. 多坚果的;产坚果的;古怪的
flustered: /'flʌstəd,ˋflʌstɚd/ adj.confused and nervous慌乱的,紧张的
bursting: If you say that someone is bursting with a feeling or quality, you mean that they have a great deal of it.
mangle:/'mæŋɡ ə l,ˋmæŋgḷ/ v. [T ]to damage or injure something badly by crushing or twisting it
wurzel:/'wə:zəl/n. 一种饲牛用的甜菜
look sharp:赶紧,赶快
gymnastic:adj. 体操的,体育的
judo: /'dʒuːdəʊ,ˋdʒudo/ n. [U ](日)柔道
karate: [kə'rɑ:te]n. 空手道
flip:[I,T always+adv/prep] to move something with a quick sudden movement so that it is in a different position
somersault :/'sʌməsɔːlt,ˋsʌmɚ͵sɔlt/ n. [C ]筋斗,跟头,〔向前或向后的〕滚翻
pluck:[T] to pull the feathers off a dead chicken or other bird before cooking it拔[退]去〔死鸡或其他禽类〕的毛〔准备烹调〕
hysterical: adj. 歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的
shrill: adj.a shrill sound is very high and unpleasant
hover: /'hɒvə,ˋhʌvɚ/ v. [I ]vi. 盘旋,翱翔;徘徊
what the blazes/who the blazes etc: old-fashioned,spoken used to emphasize a question when you are annoyed到底是什么/是谁等〔厌烦时用于加强问题的语气〕
halibut: ['hælɪbət] n. [鱼] 大比目鱼(复数halibut)
strangle: v.扼死;勒死;绞死
resume:/rɪ'zjuːm,rɪˋzum/ v.[T] to start doing something again after stopping or being interrupted. resume your seat/place/position 回到原来的座位/原地/原来的职位
sensational:adj. 轰动的;耸人听闻的
kneel:vi. 跪下,跪 过去式 knelt过去分词 knelt现在分词 kneeling
prostrate: /'prɒstreɪt,ˋprɑstret/ adj.lying on your front with your face towards the ground俯卧的;趴着的
out for the count = out cold 失去知觉的
fainted: adj. 不省人事的,昏厥的
matron: ['metrən]a woman who works as a nurse in a private school〔私立学校的〕女护士
protest:v. 抗议
curiously:adv. 好奇地
elated:/ɪ'leɪtɪd,ɪ'leɪtəd,ɪˋletɪd/ adj.extremely happy and excited, especially because of something that has happened or is going to happen兴高采烈的,欢欣鼓舞的
floor:to hit someone so hard that they fall down
sick-room:n. 病房
amuse oneself:自娱自乐,消遣
file out:鱼贯而出,一个接一个地出来,排成一列纵队出来The children began filing out of the classroom.
How are your ears, Eric, after your last encounter with Miss Trunchbull?
My head was jolly sore afterwards.
It doesn't pay.
But I see no point in teaching it to them backwards.There is little point in teaching anything backwards.
She flipped the back of Wilfred's legs with one of her feet so that the boy shot up off the ground and turned a somersault in the air.
This was the most sensational bit of news of all and the entire class jumped up out of their seats to have a really good look.
And there she was, the huge figure of the Headmistress, stretched full-length on her back across the floor, out for the count(失去知觉的).