What are these things?
- Things you eat with
- knife
- fork
- Things you eat from
- bowl
- plate
Think about dining table.
- What things are on the table?
- There are forks.
- There are glasses.
- There are
- Where do you put them?
- The forks are to the left of the plate.
When you set the table, where do you put ...
- ... the forks?
- ... the napkins?
- ... the spoons?
- ... the placemats?
- ... the glasses?
If these is a napkin on the table, I will put the spoons on the napkin.
If these is no napkin, I will put the spoons in the bowl.
- Forks – left of the plates
- Napkins – on the plates
- Spoons – right of the plates
- Placemats – under the plates
- Glasses – in front of the plates