- While there are laws that prohibit a church from directly supporting a particular politician, offering suggestions for how to vote is more of a gray area.
这两者之间的界限很模糊,处于一种灰色地带,英语表达就是gray area。该短语的字面意义就是“灰暗、灰色地带”,引申义也就是“不明确,不清楚的状态”。
- Sports trainers at the professional, college and even high school level are becoming more involved whenever a head injury occurs. But what about when kids who play sports get hurt? That’s still a gray area. It’s unclear how carefully anyone is paying attention to that age group.
头部受伤的确应该得到重视。特别是家长们,应该马上带孩子去医院检查。有句话说better safe than sorry,就是说 “宁可事先谨慎过头,也好过事后后悔”。
- When you’re driving for a company, can you talk or text on your phone? Most employers never had a specific policy. That’s no longer true. Because of too many accidents and lawsuits, there are now rules that everyone can understand. There’s no gray area: using electronic devices is absolutely not allowed while on the job.