01 化学弹炸药 explosive of chemical ammunition
02 梯恩梯 trinitrotoluene
03 特屈儿 tetryl
04 钝化黑索令 passivational hexogen
05 B炸药 composition B
06 阻燃炸药 flame retarded explosive
07 铵梯炸药 ammonpulver trinitrotoluene composite explosive
08 化学弹传爆药 booster charge of chemical ammunition
09 化学弹识别标志 chemical ammunition identification mark
10 美军化学弹识别标志 U.S. Armed Forces chemical ammunition identification mark
11 苏军化学弹识别标志 Soviet Armed Forces chemical ammunition identification mark
12 日军化学弹识别标志 Japanese Army chemical ammunition identification mark
13 毒剂 chemical agent
14 化学战剂 chemical warfare agent
15 暂时性毒剂 transient agent
16 半持久性毒剂 semi-persistent agent
17 持久性毒剂 persistent agent
18 致死性毒剂 lethal agent
19 非致死性毒剂 non-lethal agent
20 速效性毒剂 quick acting agent
21 缓效性毒剂 slow acting agent