视频:清英0a unit9-11
游戏:Three little duck.
M:I'm mummy duck.
D:I am daddy Duck.
B:I'm little duck.
M:Let's walk one by one.
D&B:Okay one by one.
M:Sing The.song.Three little ducks one by one,Verbal verbal. one by one. It's hot let's swimming okay.
D:Okay there is a poll jump into the pool.
M:Jump into the pool. flop flop flop.
B:Flop flop flop.
Jump into the pool.
麻麻备课:设计了Three little duck.的游戏,现在补昨天漏打的卡,今天下班回家要和宝贝做新的游戏,宝贝昨天看了 Zoom zoom zoom.的动画,非常喜欢 要和爸爸妈妈一起做手工