A global Luxury group, Kering develops an ensemble of luxury houses in fashion, leather goods, jewellery and watches:Gucci,Saint Laurent,Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, etc..François-Henri Pinault,the CEO of the group, accepted the interview held by Twenty-first Century Economic Report said: "The market for luxury goods is not driven by demand, but by what sot of product you can provide and how you struggle to stimulate it. That is to say, good design ideas and good originalities can makea great difference in the marketing figures. In the luxury goods industry, 80%of the business comes from new products." In Saint Laurentand Balenciaga sales, a large proportion of all benefit is from new creative products.
The most important consumer groups that Pino attaches great importance to are middle millennials and people from middle class. According to his data, 18% to 20% of the sale in the global luxury goods market comes from Chinese millennials. In the fourth quarter of 2016, as for the sales volume, what global millennials contributed to accounted for 50% of Gucci, while the proportion of Laurent is higher, accounting for about 70%. "Manypeople underestimate the comsuming abilities of this generation ," Pino said. "This generation wants to break the rules, which is good for the brands that are very creative.". For example, the core concept of Laurent design director Anthony Vaccarello is to subvert and break the traditional framework, dare to express the larruping idea. What’s more, its promotion activities are associated with youngpeople. "Brands deliver ideas and values through clothes, paintings, andmusic. These values are closely related to the younger generation, which is why the younger generation responds positively."."China's middle class is richer, too, and it is a group that can not be ignored.
奢侈品公司开云(Kering)集团旗下品牌包括Gucci(古驰)、Saint Laurent(圣罗兰)、Balenciaga(巴黎世家)等。开云CEO弗朗索瓦-亨利·皮诺(François-Henri Pinault)接受《21世纪经济报道》采访时说:“奢侈品的市场不是由需求驱动,而是由你提供怎样的产品而驱动。这意味着好的设计理念、好的创意可以创造出非常不一样的市场数字,在奢侈品行业,80%的生意额来自新产品。”在圣罗兰和巴黎世家的销售额中,有很大比例都受益于新的创意产品。
皮诺最重视的消费群体是千禧一代和中产阶级。根据他提供的数据,全球奢侈品市场18%至20%的销售额来自中国的千禧一代;在2016年第四季度,全球千禧一代贡献的销售额占到Gucci的50%,圣罗兰的比例要更高,约占70%。皮诺说,很多人低估了这一代消费者的能力,这代人想要打破规则,这对有很强创意能力的品牌来说是有利的。比如,圣罗兰设计总监安东尼·瓦卡莱洛(Anthony Vaccarello)的核心理念,就是颠覆传统、打破框架,敢于表达与众不同的想法,它的推广活动都与年轻人有关。“品牌通过衣服、绘画和音乐等方式传递想法、价值观,这些价值观和年轻一代息息相关,这正是年轻一代积极响应的原因。”而中国的中产阶级也更加富有,是不容忽视的群体。