There are 5 days left of 2018 and I’ve been in my current company for over 10 months. Sometimes I felt I just joined this company a few days ago and sometimes I felt I’ve been in this company for a few years. All in all, this year is a fantastic year for me.
I met my ex-girlfriend at April and broke up with her half a month ago. I changed a lot staying with her and I’m full appreciation to her. She encouraged me to write in English every day which was just a joke at the beginning. I accepted this challenge and to my surprise, I insist on writing till now. This is a priceless fortune to me. I have no chance to talk in English but writing in English enables me to express myself with this beautiful language. And writing leaves me more time to think and organize the sentences. If you are searching for one way to learn how to express in another language, I strongly recommend writing in this language every day.
I’m so tired. Wrung out. I want to go outside. I want to play and walk in the sun and stretch out my back and release my shoulders and gently bend my fingers back, one by one. I want a neck massage. But most of the time, I sit my ass down on my chair or lie on the bed.
The days flow.