CHAPTER ONE: Plato II. Socrates
If we may judge from the bust(n. 半身像) that has come down to us as part of the ruins of ancient sculpture, Socrates was as far from being handsome(奇丑无比) as even a philosopher can be.
A bald head(秃顶), a great round face (=moon face 圆脸), deep-set staring(深陷的) eyes, a broad and flowery nose(塌鼻子,像一朵花一样) that gave vivid testimony to many a Symposium(学术会议→会饮) — it was rather the head of a porter(酒店门童的领班) than that of the most famous of philosophers. → (从苏格拉底的外表完全看不出是个哲学家,就像个保安头子。)
But if we look again we see, through the crudity(简陋) of the stone, something of that human kindliness and unassuming simplicity(朴拙) which made this homely thinker a teacher beloved of the finest youths in Athens.