WikiLeaks(维基解密)是一个国际化的非营利的在线期刊式组织(Journalistic Organisation),发布秘密信息,新闻泄密(News Leaks),匿名来源的机密资料(Classified Media from Anonymous Sources)。其网站,由 Sunshine Press 于 2006 年创办于冰岛,据称创办一年之内其数据库上就有超过 120 万份资料。由澳大利亚的互联网激进分子(Internet Activist)Julian Assange(阿桑奇)创办,同时他还是 WikiLeaks 的主编(Editor-in-Chief),指导者(Director)。Kristinn Hrafnsson,Joseph Farrel 和 Sarah Harrison 是与 Assange 密切相关且被人所知的人员。Hrafnsson 和 Assange,Ingi Ragnar Ingason,Gavin MacFadyen 还都是 Sunshine Press Production 成员。
这个团队公布的大量重要文档都成了新闻头条(Front-Page News Item)。早期公布的有(?美国)阿富汗战争上的军费开销和财务(Equipment Expenditures and Holdings in the Afghanistan War),肯尼亚(Kenya)的腐败。在 2010 年 4 月,WikiLeaks 公布了一段瞄准器视频(Gunsight Footage),显示在 2007 年 6 月 12 日的巴格达空袭(Baghdad Airstike)中被 AH-64 阿帕奇(Apache)直升机杀死的人中有伊拉克(Iraqi)记者。这段视频被称为联合绞杀视频(Collateral Murder Video)。同年 7 月,WikiLeaks 公布了阿富汗战争日志(Afghan War Diary),包含战争相关的未被公布的 76,900 份文档。2010 年 10 月,这个团队又公布了被称为“伊拉克战争日志”(Iraq War Logs)的将近 400,000 文档,来响应一些媒体组织(In Coordination with Major Commercial Media Organisations)。这份资料认可了(Allowed)109,032 名在伊拉克被叛乱分子(Insurgents)的特大(“Significant”)袭击中丧生的死者和 Multi-National Force - Iraq)有关。其中 15,000 未曾被报道过。2011 年 4 月,WikiLeaks 开始报道与在 Guantanamo Bay 拘留营(Detention Camp)被拘犯人相关的 779 份 秘密文件。
In November 2010, WikiLeaks collaborated with major global media organisations to release U.S. State department diplomatic "cables" in redacted format.
在 2010 年 10 月,WikiLeaks 联合主流媒体组织发布了改编材料(in Redacted Format),揭露了 美国外交电报事件(U.S. State Department Diplomatic “Cables”,又称 Cablegate)。2011 年 9 月 1 日,所有 WikiLeaks 关于此事件的文档加密后可通过磁力下载(BitTorrent),时间长达数月。解密密钥(Decryption Key)放在隐秘地方。WikiLeaks 指责了原发布合作伙伴英国卫报的疏忽(Breach)。卫报的一名记者 David Leigh 在 2011 年 2 月出版的书中公布了密钥。但是卫报觉得是 WikiLeaks 错,因为他们在书中给人的感觉是这个密钥是临时的而且不能用来解密文件(Something Not Possible for a File Decreption)。德国期刊 Der Spiegel(German Periodical Der Spiegel)报道了一个更为详细的版本(Story),说明了双方的错误。这次意外导致了(Resulted in)对无辜人员信息泄露的安全恐慌。
WikiLeaks 历史
The domain name was registered on 4 October 2006.[4] The website was begun, and published its first document, in December 2006.[27][28] WikiLeaks has been predominantly represented in public since January 2007 by Julian Assange, who is now generally recognised as the "founder of WikiLeaks".[29] According to the magazine Wired, a volunteer said that Assange described himself in a private conversation as "the heart and soul of this organisation, its founder, philosopher, spokesperson, original coder, organizer, financier, and all the rest".[30]
WikiLeaks relies to some degree on volunteers and previously described its founders as a mixture of Asian dissidents, journalists, mathematicians, and start-up company technologists from the United States, Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and South Africa,[31] but has progressively adopted a more traditional publication model and no longer accepts either user comments or edits. As of June 2009, the website had more than 1,200 registered volunteers[31] and listed an advisory board comprising Assange, his deputy Jash Vora and seven other people, some of whom denied any association with the organisation.[32][33]
Despite using the name "WikiLeaks", the website has not used the "wiki" publication method since May 2010.[34] Also, despite some popular confusion[35] due to both having "wiki" in their names, WikiLeaks and Wikipedia are not affiliated with each other ("wiki" is not a brand name);[36][37] Wikia, a for-profit corporation affiliated loosely with the Wikimedia Foundation, did purchase several WikiLeaks-related domain names (including and as a "protective brand measure" in 2007.
log: $1. Tue Jul 15 18:53:47 2014; $2. Thu Aug 6 18:24:01 2015,然后我就不想翻译了。(总是有始无终);