我们总是很在意别人对自己的评价, 落得自己无时不在战战兢兢,唯恐出错。 相信自己, 我们才能拥有审视自我、一往 无前的动力与信心。
Believe in yourself. Believe in your values, your talents and your memories. Believe in your clothes, your face and your figure. If you believe in yourself, you can take on life with a ton of self- confidence. If you love yourself, you can say what you want to say, go where you want to go.
The world can be hard, and some of the billions of people will try to knock you down. Don‘t join them. Do things that make you proud, and then take pride in what you do and whom you are.
“My great mistake, the fault for which I can’t forgive myself,”Oscar Wilde wrote, “is that one day I stopped my stubborn pursuit of my own character.”Keep pursuing your individuality. Keep being yourself and becoming yourself. It can be comforting to dress and act like everyone else. But it is more important to be different, to be unique and to be you.
I‘m the only me in the whole wide world.
“Let me listen to me and not to them,” wrote Gertrude Stein. It makes sense to consider the advice and opinions of other people. But don’t let their noise drown out your inner voice. Don‘t be concerned about the way you sometimes talk or behave in front of others. Just pay attention to who you are when you are alone, and believe in yourself.