have an episode 情绪突然爆发
wear him down
get off the hook 切断电话线
get him sectioned 送入精神医院
delusional 神智不清的
go south go bad
not your remit 非职责范围
benchmark for excellence in law enforcement执法学习的典范
bystander 旁观者
putting me out to pasture 流放我
it seasoned me 历练了我
fugitive 逃犯
crawing with sb 满是...人
de-escalation 控制事态
ascertain demands 清楚要求
concede nothing 不退让
indiscriminate murder 无差别杀人
serendipitous 偶然
a void 虚无
thumb their nose at society 藐视社会
elusive 难以捉摸的
jilted lover 被抛弃的爱人
epitomize 典型
a random run-in 随机闯入
response to turmoil 对混乱的反应
parental institution 监管机构
jumpsuit 连体裤
are u coming on to me?你在泡我吗
narc 缉毒警
infiltrade 刺探
postgrads 研究生
mixed masage 矛盾
snich 告密者
flunky pig 走狗
deviant terminology非正常术语
level with you 说实话
scratch your book
puritan nation 清教徒国家
opening salvo 序幕
improving 自由发挥
starchy 死板
distallation 精华
devine a motive 猜测一个动机
filp 触动
set him off刺激到他
riddle 谜
parole 假释
institutionized 进监狱
have a brush with the law犯法
sexual gratification through the annihilation of anther 通过杀人来满足性欲
lust murder 见色起义
aberration aberrant 反常的
im adopting a facade of caring.
bludgeon someone to death
rat you out 揭发
stick up for yourself
raise a hand to your mom
let off steam
consuming 侵蚀
pull some string
lukewarm 冷淡
reverence 崇拜
jarring 格格不入
inclination 倾向
merit our involvement值得
decifer 破解
erection 性奋
disguies 伪装
impluse 冲动
deflecting responcibility 推诿责任
holding out on me背着我藏着会煮菜
deviant 越轨行为
hold you to it 我会再找你的
complusion 冲动
coed 女生
busybody 爱管闲事的人
evasive 闪烁
covenent 契约
snail 变态
spontaneous 临时起意
cadence 规律