Today is Friday.
Amelia's father had been looking for them and eventually found them in captain's room. Will asked them,"Does this landlubber belong to you?" "These kids can teach you a few about this ship," he said to Amelia's father. They arrived at the fishing spot an hour later. Amelia and Jason hauled in fish after fish. Amelia's father said,"That's one thing I do know about boat. The bathroom is called head." A crewmember heard that and smiled. "If you see a sign that says poop deck, don't do it," Amelia's father said. Jason laughed,"Only pirate ships have poop decks." Poop deck is an exposed partial deck on the stern superstructure of a ship.
As they cruised back to the port, they got plenty of fish to cook for dinner. Amelia missed her dog, Finally. And for some reason, she blurted out,"Bow!""Wow!" said her father. "Wow!" said Jason.The bow-wow-wow was just like the boat horn's sound. And at the moment the boat horn blared. They laughed all the way back to the pile.
The great thing about going fishing on a charter boat is that the crew cleans all the fish.