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The Tape Reader has many advantages over the long swing operator. He never ventures far from shore; that is, he plays with a close stop, never laying himself open to a large loss. Accidents or catastrophes cannot seriously injure him because he can reverse his position in an instant, and follow the newly-formed stream from source to mouth. As his position on either the long or short side is confirmed and emphasized, he increases his line, thus following up the advantage gained.
盘口解读者与长线波段交易者相比,具有很多优势: 盘口解读者不会远离海滩去冒险,他在交易时总是设置紧止损,永远不会置身于大亏损的风险中; 意外和灾难都不会对他造成严重伤害,因为他可以根据盘口随机应变,跟随下一波趋势从鱼头吃到鱼尾。无论做多做空,一旦趋势确认并强化,盘口解读者就会顺势加仓、扩大利润。
A simon-pure Tape Reader does not care to carry stocks over night. The tape is then silent, and he only knows what to do when it tells him. Something may occur at midnight which may crumple up his diagram of the next day's market. He leaves nothing to chance; hence he prefers a clean sheet when the 3 o'clock gong strikes.
By this method interest charges are avoided, reducing the percentage against him to a considerable extent.
A Tape Reader abhors information and follows a definite and thoroughly tested plan, which, after months and years of practice, becomes second nature to him.
His mind forms habits which operate automatically in guiding his market ventures.
Long practice will make the Tape Reader just as proficient in forecasting stock market events, but his intuition will be reinforced by logic, reason and analysis.
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