How do I use DoTERRA Slim and Sassy Metabolic Blend essential oils?
Julia Shelton, Biology major, Certified Massage Therapist, and Certified Aromatherapist.
First off, I’m going to give a quick disclaimer: I don’t like DoTerra essential oils (or Young Living, from which DoTerra split off years ago). I find that they frequently advocate the unsafe use of essential oils, and that makes me extremely uncomfortable supporting them in any way.
Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, I want to also say that I’m going to start this answer by telling you what you should not do with this blend. You should not follow the advice that DoTerra commonly gives out that you can use their oils and blends internally. Not only should essential oils be used internally only with caution and only with the help of a certified aromatherapist who has training in the field (so that you don’t end up killing yourself by damaging your kidneys or liver) but the doses that DoTerra recommends for taking are much too high for safe consumption. Perhaps it works fine for most people, but you never know if you might have a sensitivity to one or more of the oils in the blend. From DoTerra’s website for the Slim and Sassy blend:
Add to water or tea and drink before working out for a revitalizing energy boost.
Consume before meals to help control appetite and overeating.
Take internally as a part of a healthy weight management program.
Add a few drops to Slim & Sassy TrimShake or V Shake.
“Internal use: Dilute four drops in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.”
First off, the directions in the bullet points don’t provide safe ways of taking the oils internally, even if the blend were completely safe to use in that way. Essential oils are hydrophobic (water hating), which means that if you add them to water or your tea, they are simply going to float to the surface of the liquid, and you will be getting a mouthful of nearly undiluted essential oils as soon as you take the first swig. As to adding it to the two different shakes that they advertise, that might dilute the oils well enough, or it might not, depending on the ingredients. If the shakes are water-heavy, then you’ll likely end up with the same problem as you would just adding it to a glass of water.
Their dosage on the internal use directions is also quite high. One critical thing to keep in mind with essential oils is that they are incredibly concentrated and powerful, even at low dilutions, because even one drop of oil can contain the essence of multiple plants of that species. For instance, one drop of peppermint oil is equivalent to roughly 35 cups of peppermint tea. So taking four drops of any essential oil or blend internally is far too high and much more than your body needs or potentially can process safely.
Now, as to the ways that you can use this oil safely, I advise diluting it properly in a carrier oil (a vegetable oil such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, etc.) and then applying it topically a few times a day. The abdomen is a good place, as is the front of the throat near the thyroid gland, and the soles of the feet. Or, you can simply inhale it.
An even better option than using this blend, however, as it is rather expensive, is to educate yourself on the essential plant oils that are effective assistants for managing metabolism and weight gain and and decide which ones you want to combine to make up your own blend or blends. (Again, for safety, don’t use essential oils internally without the guidance of a professional aromatherapist, and always dilute your blends before using them topically.) I guarantee you it’s far more fun to do this, and you can be sure that the oils you put in are ones that you actually feel safe using on your body. Plus you will save quite a bit of money in the long run. It may be around $35 to initially purchase all the oils you need for your blend, but you can use those bottles of oils over and over again to remake the blend whenever you need to, as opposed to just having to buy the Slim and Sassy blend again every time it runs out.
19 Views · Answer requested by Kelly Spears
Elias Aguiar, Chief Executive Officer
You do not really need that blend. Ginger, Cinnamon and Peppermint would do the job. if you insist on throwing your money on an abusive overpriced blend then:
Use 3–4 drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Or Dilute four drops in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
for skin 1–2 drops to desired area. Dilute with Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.
Be sure to visit a licensed aromatherapist or you could develop sensitivity by overloading your liver with EOs
87 Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Kelly Spears
Say Ma, 20 years experience with essential oils.
You don't! Instead you educate yourself with solid and reputable books about the individual oils, then you learn about blending, and then you can consider yourself educated and prepared to utilize these gifts of nature! Ditch Doterra and get educated. I started over 20 years ago, and I've seen these companies dispense products with zero real education. Your question proves my observations.
44 Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Kelly Spears
Nicole Inglish Yoga, Premier Level Wellness Advocate at Doterra Essential Oils
1 drop can be placed in 32oz of water and sipped on throughout the day. Taking time to breathe it in deeply and or rub it on your lower abdomen will help increase digestion and metabolic support.
29 Views · Answer requested by Kelly Spears