QAC BET Unit 1-Knowledge Points

我将中质盟两个月左右讲课的知识点整理成简书,便于大家查阅,这是Unit 1的。


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Lesson 1- Part 1 Incoming Quality Control 来料质量控制

1. Self-introduction 自我介绍

  • Welcome to the Creative Center in Sanjin Community 欢迎来到三井社区创意中心。
  • My name is.... I will company with all of you in the next two months. 我叫xxx,在接下来的两个月里,我会陪伴你们所有人。
  • Joined in Leoni in 2008, I have worked here for more than 9 years. I am responsible for process quality control and customer complaint. 在2008年加入Leoni ,我已经在这里工作超过九年了。我负责过程质量控制和客户投诉。


2. This is our Incoming Quality Control Department. 这是我们的进料检验。

Quality: How good or how bad it is

  • good quality, bad quality
  • Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life. 每个人都能极大地提高生活品质。
  • offer a quality service 提供优质的服务

Control: have the power to make all important decision for it

  • This coffee shop is in control of the boss. 这家咖啡店属于该老板。
  • Nobody knows who is in control of the club. 没人知道谁拥有这家俱乐部。
  • Almost all the countries in middle Africa were controlled by dictators. 在中非几乎所有国家都曾在独裁者的控制下。


3. He is the Plant Director(工厂总监)from the headquarters (总部) in Nuremberg, Germany.

  • Plant Director 工厂总监

Vice President 副总裁
General Manager 总经理
CEO: chief executive officer 首席执行官

Senior Production Manager 高级产品经理
Quality Manager 质量经理
Vice Manager 副经理
Supply Chain Supervisor 供应链主管
Process Team Leader 工艺主管
Senior engineer 高级工程师
Production engineer 生产工程师
assistant sourcing engineer 助理采购工程师
Production shift leader 生产工段长
technician 技术员
Inspector 检验员
operator 操作员
warehouse keeper 仓库管理员

Headquarters: The headquarters of an organization are its main offices.

  • The sky-scraper is the headquarters of the Avengers. 那座摩天大楼是复仇者联盟的总部。


4. Brief introduction of Incoming Inspection Procedure

Procedure 程序

  • Procedure document 程序文件
  • follow the procedure 按照程序
  • follow the correct procedure 按照正确程序


5. They are responsible for incoming quality control of cable. 他们负责电缆的进料质量控制。

  • He still felt responsible for her death. 他仍然感到对她的去世负有责任。
  • I’m responsible to my board of directors. 我向董事会汇报工作。
  • He is a very responsible sort of person. 他是个非常负责的人。


6. How to greet people? 如何对人打招呼

  • 普通级:Hi!
    How are you?
    How do you do?

  • 进阶级:Nice to meet you.
    Glad to see you.
    How are you doing? (=How are you)
    How are you going?近况如何?
    What's up?


7. According to the regulation in company… 根据公司的规定

Regulation: rules

  • Laws and Regulations 法律法规
  • Obey the regulation 遵守规定
  • Disobey the regulation 违反规定


Lesson 1- Part 2 Process Quality Control 过程质量控制

1. Opening speech 开场致辞

  • We’d like to welcome to everyone to the Leoni Automotive Cable factory site, and thank everyone for being here today. 欢迎大家来到XXX工厂,感谢每个人的到来。
  • My name is Ares. I’ll be showing you around today. 我是XXX,今天将会由我带领大家参观。
  • Please feel free to ask questions at any point during our tour. I’ll be happy to answer questions for you.在我们参观过程中,你可以随时提问。我将非常乐意为你回答。

2. What you see now is our new automatic production line. 你现在所看到的,是我们新的自动生产线。

What you see...你所看见的

  • What we need is more time.(what做need的宾语) 我们所需要的,是更多的时间。
  • What really matters is that she wore a pair of white shoes.(what做matters的主语) 真正在意的,是她穿了双白色的鞋子。
  • What is beautiful is not always true. 美的东西未必真实。

automatic 自动的

  • Modern trains have automatic doors. 现代化的火车都有自动门。

semi-automatic 半自动的


3. We set up the sampling inspection procedure for the process control.我们为过程控制设定了抽样检验程序。

  • Production engineer set up the Overmolding machine so that operators could work efficiently. 生产工程师调试好了注塑机,因此操作工可以有效地工作了。
  • They took to the street, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres. 他们占领了街道,用燃烧的轮胎设置了路障。
  • set up a device 设置仪器
  • set up the computer 设置电脑


4. The acceptance criterion of cable after cutting is defined according to MIL-STD-1916. 断线后电缆的接收标准是根据MIL-STD-1916来定义的。

criterion 标准, 复数形式是criteria

  • The most important criterion,最重要的标准(这里使用单数形式)
  • British defense policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed.想要奏效,英国国防部必须达到三条标准。(这里使用复数形式)

符号的表达: “-”hyphen 连字符,“,”comma 逗号,“.”period 句号,“/" slash 斜杠 (I am a slash.我是个斜杠青年),”;“ semi-colon分号


5. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss

Mr Trump ,他命名是Donald John Trump, 在川普未就任总统前,电视台等媒体都这样称呼他,因为他连最底层的公务员也未担任过。当上总统后,就直接叫President Trump。但今早听到英国的BBC有时仍然称他为Mr. Trump。
Mrs Obama, 奥巴马夫人。Mrs.运用于已婚女士的姓氏之前,美国人婚后会随夫姓。同样的,如果此前担任过政府职务,就会以曾任过的最高职务尊称之,比如即使在希拉里·克林顿卸任之后,媒体仍然称其为Secretary Clinton 国务卿克林顿
Ms Miles 迈尔斯夫人,不指明婚否
Miss Li 李小姐,表示未婚


6. Quality Gates 质量关

  • 在工厂里还有以下的质量控制方式
    error proofing 防错
    training 培训
    measuring 测量
    visual inspection 目视检查
    weighing 称重
    SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制
    Definition 定义
    check list 检查表
    double check 重复检查
    Incoming Quality Control 来料质量控制
    Control Plan 控制计划
    FMEA: Failure Mode Effecitive Analysis 失效模式及其后果分析
    FAI: First Article Inspection 首样检验


7. Every inspector here writes it down as soon as he or she finishes inspection.每个检验员一完成检验,就立即写下来。

as soon as...一...就...。这里要注意, as soon as possible 是尽可能

  • He always opens the TV set as soon as he gets home. 他一回家就打开了电视机。
  • He came here as soon as he received the call. 他一接到电话就上这儿来了。


8. ...and we measure it with the microscope.用显微镜测量(尺寸)。

  • 常用的测量仪器、工具有:
    caliper 游标卡尺
    steel ruler 钢尺
    pin gauge pin规
    outside micrometer 外径千分尺
    inside micrometer 内径千分尺
    magnifier 放大镜
    CMM: Coordinate Measuring Machine 三坐标
    Surface Roughness 表面粗糙计


Lesson 2- Part 1 Final Quality Control 成品质量控制

1. ...the measuring data is recorded in X-R chart, which will be analyzed by engineers every day. 测量数据记录在X-R表格中,由工程师每天分析。

Which, 关系代词,以下是主格的which

  • The river is very long. 那条河很长。
  • The river which flows through the city is very long. 流经该城的那条河很长。
  • The Yangtze River Road (The Changjiang Road) is quite long. 长江路相当长。
  • The Yangtze River Road which crosses over the New District is quite long.横跨整个新北区的长江路很长。(这里用which crosses over the New District来修饰Changjiang Road)


  • The river the banks of which are covered with trees is very long. 两岸树木成荫的那条河很长。(这里的of which 相当于whose)


-The river which we crossed is very wide. 我们横渡的那条河很宽。


2. discuss about the complaint we received last week from Simens. ...来讨论上周从西门子收到的抱怨。

  • make complaint (提出)抱怨
  • make formal complaint 提出正式投诉
  • make formal complaint to the Labour Bureau 向劳动局提出正式投诉
  • Employees have made formal complaint to New District Government. 雇员向新北区政府提出正式投诉。
  • People have made formal complaints to the police.人们向警方提出了正式投诉。
  • People have been reluctant(勉强的) to make formal complaints to the police. 人们不太情愿向警方作出正式投诉。


3. Could I have your comments on the issue we found in our production line that…我想知道对于在我们生产线上发现的(问题),你的看法如何?

comment 评价 n.

  • No comments. I don't know anything. 无可奉告,我不知道情况。

comment 评价 v.

  • Mr. Cook has not commented on these reports. 库克先生还未对这些报告作出评价。


4. The long screw which should be mounted in the backshell, was found missing in the assembly.本该被安装在外壳里的长螺丝,被发现缺少了。

mount v. 安装、镶嵌

  • The diamond is mounted in gold. 钻石被镶嵌在黄金中。
  • The gold is mounted in jude. 黄金被镶嵌在玉石中。
  • Her husband mounts the work on velour/Və’lur/ paper and makes the frame.他丈夫把作品装裱在绒纸上,并制作了画框。

which should be...本该被...

-The parts which should be stored in sealing condition now are found rotten/rust.本来应该被密封保存的零件,现在已经发现生锈了。


5. we consider the reason to cause the failure is...我们认为导致不良的原因是……

以下是四个近义词reason, explanation, grounds, excuse的运用
reason 理由

  • He had every reason to be upset. 他完全有理由生气
  • We consider that the reason to produce the unqualified copper wire is, the unreasonable/improper set-up parameter of stranding machine.我们认为导致这批铜线不合格的原因,是我们的绞线机参数设置不合理。

explanation 解释

  • The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed. 最有可能的解释是他飞机误点了。

Grounds (正式的、信服的)理由

  • He retired from the job on health grounds. 他因为健康原因而退休。
  • Ning Zetao retired from the national swimming team on personal grounds. 宁泽涛因为个人原因而退出国家队。

Excuse 借口

  • Late again! What’s your excuse this time? 你又迟到了,这次找什么借口?


6. Corresponding to the root causes I listed above, we make improvements in the three following points.与以上我所列的根本原因对应,我们进行了以下三个方面的改进:

Correspond to 与...相符, 与...相关

  • correspond to the facts 与事实相符
  • His statements don't correspond to the facts.他的陈述与事实不符。

Correspond with 通信,既可是纸质书信,也可是电子邮件

  • corresponds with Chinese friend 和中国友人通信
  • She still corresponds with Chinese friend she met in Shanghai nine years ago. 他仍然保持与九年前在上海遇到的中国朋友通信。
  • We corresponded regularly. 我们定期通信。


7. Furthermore, how to prevent the same mistake for other products? 此外,如何防止同样的错误发生在其他产品上?

  • prevent it doing 防止做某事
  • prevent tiger escaping from the cage 防止老虎逃出笼子
  • build grid to prevent tiger escaping from the cage 建造电网以防止老虎逃出笼子


8. The evaluation we already carried out for the 3 other types of assemblies. 我们已经在其它三种规格的产品上开展了评价工作。

Carry out 开展、实施

  • carry out a plan 开展一个计划
  • carry out an investigation 开展调查

carry on 保持

  • carry on with his life and his work 继续他的生活和工作


9. What’s your usual percentage of rejects? Not more than one thousandth in normal operations. 你们通常判退率是多少?一般不超过千分之一。

  • one-tenth 十分之一
    one percent 百分之一
    one-third 三分之一
    two-thirds 三分之二
    one-fourth 四分之一
    three-fourths 四分之三
    three quarters 四分之三


Lesson 2- Part 2 Supplier Quality Control 供应商质量控制

1. metal part supplier in Taiwan made a review of its product quality to Leoni via Webex meeting. 因此台湾的金属零件供应商通过Webex电话会议向Leoni进行产品质量的检讨。

Review n. 审查、评审

  • Management Review 管理评审
    careful review 仔细审查
    complete review 全面审查

Reviewv. 回顾

  • She reviewed the previous week on her way home. 她在回家路上回顾着上周的事情。
  • She reviewed the last week when she was going home. 她在回家路上回顾着上周的事情。


2. We consider the oxidization or what we called discoloring mostly originated from acid remained the micro hole inside the backshell. 我们认为氧化或者我们所称的变色,主要由残留在外壳内部微孔的酸液造成。

Discolor v. 变色

  • The new batch of Nickle plating backshell is guaranteed not to discolor by supplier.供应商保证新批次的镀镍外壳不会变色。

Originate v. 起源

  • The virus originated from North Africa.该病毒起源于北非

Originate v. 创立

  • Originate the theory of relativity 创立了相对论
  • Einstein originated the Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦创建了相对论。

Originate v. 编造

  • orginiate a story 编造故事
  • Sales Representative are good at/skillful in originating stories. 销售代表们擅长编故事。


3. Furthermore, some contamination came from the transit trays which are used for transition and recycling using. 此外,一些污染来自于用于周转和循环使用的周转盘。

Contamination n. 污染、玷污
dirt 脏污
pollution (环境)污染

  • environmental pollution 环境污染
  • water pollution 水污染
  • air pollution 大气污染

impurity 杂质
dust 灰尘


4. What measures did you take to prevent it escaping from your factory site? 你们采取了哪些措施,以防止(不合格品)流出工厂?

measures n. 措施

  • Take tougher measures 采取更为严厉的措施

measure v. 测量

  • Measure the copper wire with caliper 用游标卡尺来测量铜线

measure out v. 量取

  • The staff in the laboratory measured out the overmolding particle. 实验室工作人员量取了注塑粒子。


5.Then acid will be evaporated out from the micro hole... 然后微孔内的酸液蒸发了

evaporate v.蒸发

  • The water is evaporated by the sun. 水在太阳下蒸发了。


6. If you can screen all the failures after baking... 如果你们可以通过烘烤筛选出所有的不合格

screen v. 筛选、甄别

  • The staff in the airport screen the baggage on X-Ray machine. 机场人员用X光机器检查行李。
  • Screen candidate/applicants 筛选竞选者/求职者
  • The employee in HR department will screen applicants by reviewing their resume. 人力资源部门的职员通过浏览他们的简历来筛选求职者。
  • The supplier always came to factory site for screening the raw material before going into production. 在原材料投线之前,供应商都会来工厂进行筛选。


7....we arrange for some products to bake in the branch of company. 我们安排一些产品到分厂烘烤。

arrange v. 安排

  • Arrange a meeting/conference/Con-call for Friday at four forty-five 安排在周五4:45分的会议/电话会议
  • Arrange an appointment for... 安排约会
  • Make a date, I have a date. (口语化)安排约会,我有个约会。


8. How long is the warranty for the backshell oxidization?外壳在多长时间内不会氧化?

warranty n. 保质期

  • This bottle of water is under the warranty. 这瓶水在保质期内。


9. Are there any consequences for the oxidization for the parts?零件氧化的后果有哪些?

consequences n. 后果,consequences作为后果解释,必须用复数。

  • He already knew serious/tremendous consequences for the affair, and he got ready to go to the jail/prison. 他已经明白了这起事件的严重后果,已经作好了入狱的准备。
  • An economic crisis has tremendous consequences for global stability/world peace. 经济危机已经严重影响到全球稳定/世界和平(crisis这里是可数名词)。
  • The consequences would be receiving a serious complaint, if we deliver this batch of unqualified products to customer. 如果把这批不良品发到客户那里,那后果就是会收到严重的投诉。


10. ...which could be oxidized in long term storage in adverse environment. 其可能在恶劣的储存环境下造成氧化

adverse adj. 恶劣的

  • Though the environment/condition was very/quite/extremely adverse, we still finished the project in advance. 尽管环境/条件非常/相当/极为恶劣,我们还是提前完成了项目。

容易混淆的词:advanced 先进的, adventure 冒险的, advantage 优点/disadvantage缺点

  • The company will pay extra allowance for the employees who work in the adverse environment. 对于在恶劣环境下工作的员工,公司会给他们额外的津贴。


11. ...35 Celsius degree lower than specified temperature. So the lower temperature didn’t work on the backshell baking. ...要低于指定温度35摄氏度,因此低温在外壳烘烤上不起作用。

Specified 指定的

  • The operators/workers have lunch in the specified area in the workshop everyday. 工人每天在车间的指定区域用午餐。

Specific 特定的

  • Specific groups 特别小组, specific problem 特别问题

specified是指定的、规定的,如specified time, specified place 规定时间、规定地点,简称“双规”;
而specific重点在“特定”,如特别行动小组specific action group,特事特办

  • The type of connector is specified by customer. 客户指定了连接器型号。

前者指经济的,如economic affairs经济事务,economic issues 经济问题;
后者economical指节约的、便宜的,economical price便宜的价格

  • This new oven is highly economical. 这种新烘箱非常节能。
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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