文中讲到一件事,就是他们的邻里之间父母都很熟悉,所以如果谁家的孩子行为不轨就会替别人的父母教育这个孩子,事后还会告诉他们的父母,他们就会在遭受一次更严厉的教训(暴打一顿)。由于Christopher的继父经常无缘无故的打他的孩子,所以他的母亲很少动粗。“She was able to give us the real lesson we need to learn without force: instead, her well-chosen words, the sharp tone of her voice, and the look in her eyes said all we need to hear.”
有一次Christopher在商店偷一包爆米花被抓,店主打电话给她母亲,他的描写:“And after my mother had to come and collect me at the store before escorting me home, i got my butt whipped with all the ferocity of a woman hell-bent on making sure i would never steal again.”对于犯错的孩子绝不姑息,就如现在的人长说,你不教育自己的孩子,长大了自然有社会上的人替你教育他。