0.016012 0.079963
0.08856 0.081134
0.013362 -0.07937
0.08224 -0.080027
0.051758 0.080555
0.014618 -0.000231
0.04988 -0.000782
0.08614 -0.001346
0.048035 -0.079962
-0.07393 0.078706
-0.005252 0.078184
-0.079122 -0.078879
-0.009887 -0.080089
-0.039953 0.078463
-0.076006 0.000036
-0.042201 -0.001022
-0.007706 -0.002112
-0.044438 -0.079736
5083.205 5852.099 527.925
5780.02 5906.365 571.549
5210.879 4258.446 461.81
5909.264 4314.283 455.484
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int m1=9, m2=4;
double f=0.15;
double Left[9][2] =
0.013362 ,-0.07937,
0.08224 ,-0.080027,
0.014618 ,- 0.000231,
0.04988 ,-0.000782,
double Right[9][2] =
-0.07393 ,0.078706,
-0.005252 ,0.078184,
-0.079122 ,-0.078879,
-0.009887, -0.080089,
-0.039953 ,0.078463,
-0.076006 ,0.000036,
-0.042201 ,-0.001022,
-0.007706 ,-0.002112,
-0.044438 ,-0.079736,
double Ground[4][3]=
5083.205 ,5852.099,527.925,
5780.02 ,5906.365,571.549,
5210.879 ,4258.446,461.81,
5909.264 ,4314.283,455.484,
Model resolve(m1,Left, Right, m2, Ground, f);
return 0;
#pragma once
#include "pch.h"
class Model
Model(int m1, double Left[][2], double Right[][2], int m2, double Ground[][3],double f);
Matrix romatrix(double o, double p, double k);/*计算旋转矩阵*/
void relative();//相对定位
void model();//求算模型点坐标
void absolute();//绝对定位
void transabs();//模型点转换为地面坐标值
int m;
int n;
double **L=NULL;
double **R=NULL;
double **G=NULL;
double **MO=NULL;
double **AB=NULL;
double x0;
double y0;
double f0;
double bx;
double by;
double bz;
double o;
double p;
double k;
double u;
double v;
double X;
double Y;
double Z;
double O;
double P;
double K;
double M;
double MA;
double N1;
double N2;
double c1;
double c2;
int count1;
int count2;
#include "pch.h"
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
Model::Model(int m1, double Left[9][2], double Right[9][2], int m2, double Ground[9][3], double f)
this->f0 = f;
bx = Left[0][0] - Right[0][0];
o = 0, p = 0, k = 0, u = 0, v = 0, count1 = 0;
X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, O = 0, P = 0, K = 0, MA = 1;
m = m1;
n = m2;
L = new double*[m];
R = new double*[m];
G = new double*[n];
MO = new double*[m];
AB = new double*[m];
for (int i = 0;i < m;i++)
L[i] = new double[2];
R[i] = new double[2];
MO[i] = new double[3];
AB[i] = new double[3];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
G[i] = new double[3];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
L[i][0] = Left[i][0];
L[i][1] = Left[i][1];
R[i][0] = Right[i][0];
R[i][1] = Right[i][1];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
G[j][0] = Ground[j][0];
G[j][1] = Ground[j][1];
G[j][2] = Ground[j][2];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
MO[i][0] = 0;
MO[i][1] = 0;
MO[i][2] = 0;
AB[i][0] = 0;
AB[i][1] = 0;
AB[i][2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
void Model::relative()
Matrix A(6, 5),Lc(6, 1),V(6, 1),Xa(5, 1), xfu(3, 1);;
while (true)
by = bx * u, bz = bx * v;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
xfu(0, 0) = R[i][0];
xfu(1, 0) = R[i][1];
xfu(2, 0) = -f0;
xfu = romatrix(o, p, k)*xfu;
double X1 = L[i][0];
double Y1 = L[i][1];
double Z1 = -f0;
double X2 = xfu(0, 0);
double Y2 = xfu(1, 0);
double Z2 = xfu(2, 0);
N1 = (bx* Z2 - bz * X2) / (X1 * Z2 - X2*Z1);
N2 = (bx* Z1 - bz *X1) / (X1 * Z2 - X2 * Z1);
A(i, 0) = -X2 * Y2*N2 / Z2;
A(i, 1) = -(Z2+Y2*Y2/Z2)*N2;
A(i, 2) =X2*N2;
A(i, 3) = bx;
A(i, 4) = -(Y2 *bx) /Z2;
Lc(i, 0) = N1 *Y1 - N2 * Y2 - by;
Xa = (~A*A).Inv()*(~A)*Lc;
o += Xa(0, 0), p += Xa(1, 0), k += Xa(2, 0), u += Xa(3, 0), v += Xa(4, 0);
if (fabs(Xa(0, 0))<0.00003&&fabs(Xa(1, 0))<0.00003 && fabs(Xa(2, 0))< 0.00003&&fabs(Xa(3, 0)) < 0.00003&&fabs(Xa(4, 0))< 0.00003)
cout << "Xa:\n" << Xa(0, 0) << "\t" << Xa(1, 0) << "\t" << Xa(2, 0) << "\t" << Xa(3, 0) << "\t" << Xa(4, 0) << endl;
V = A * Xa - Lc;
cout << "相对定向的结果为:\n" << "o=" << o << "\t" << "p=" << p << "\t" << "k=" << k << "\t" << "u:" << u<< "\t" << "v:" <<v<< "\n";
cout << "迭代的精度以及次数为:\n" << "精度为:" << c1 << "迭代次数为:" << count1 << "\n";
void Model::model()
M = sqrt(((G[0][0] - G[1][0])* (G[0][0] - G[1][0]) + (G[0][1] - G[1][1])* (G[0][1] - G[1][1])) / ((L[0][0] - L[1][0])* (L[0][0] - L[1][0]) + (L[0][1] - L[1][1])* (L[0][1] - L[1][1])));
cout << "模型点坐标为:\n";
Matrix temp(3, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
temp(0, 0) = R[i][0];
temp(1, 0) = R[i][1];
temp(2, 0) = -f0;
temp = romatrix(o, p, k)*temp;
double X1 = L[i][0];
double Y1 = L[i][1];
double Z1 = -f0;
double X2 = temp(0, 0);
double Y2 = temp(1, 0);
double Z2 = temp(2, 0);
N1 = (bx* Z2 - bz * X2) / (X1 * Z2 - X2 * Z1);
N2 = (bx* Z1 - bz * X1) / (X1 * Z2 - X2 * Z1);
MO[i][0] = M * N1*X1;
MO[i][1] = 0.5*M*(N1*Y1 + N2*Y2+by);
MO[i][2] = M * (f0 + N1 * (-f0));
cout << MO[i][0] << "\t" << MO[i][1] << "\t" << MO[i][2] << endl;
void Model::absolute()
Matrix A(3*n,7), Xa(7,1), V(3*n,1), La(3*n,1);
int i = 0;
for (int j=0; j < n; j++)
Matrix temp(3,1);
temp(0, 0) = MO[j][0], temp(1, 0) = MO[j][1], temp(2, 0) = MO[j][2];
A(i, 0) = 1,A(i, 3) =MO[j][0], A(i, 4) = -MO[j][2], A(i, 6) = -MO[j][1];
A(i + 1, 1) = 1, A(i + 1, 3) = MO[j][1], A(i+1, 5) = -MO[j][2], A(i+1, 6) = MO[j][0];
A(i + 2, 2) = 1, A(i + 2, 3) = MO[j][2], A(i+2, 4) = MO[j][0], A(i + 2, 5) = MO[j][1];
temp=romatrix(O, P, K)*temp;
La(i, 0) = G[j][0] - MA * temp(0, 0) - X;
La(i + 1, 0) = G[j][1] - MA * temp(1, 0) - Y;
La(i + 2, 0) = G[j][2] - MA * temp(2, 0) - Z;
i += 3;
Xa= (~A*A).Inv()*(~A)*La;
X += Xa(0, 0), Y += Xa(1, 0), Z += Xa(2, 0), O += Xa(4, 0), P += Xa(5, 0), K += Xa(6, 0), MA += Xa(3, 0);
if (fabs(Xa(0, 0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(1, 0)) < 0.001 && fabs(Xa(2, 0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(3,0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(4,0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(5, 0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(6, 0)) < 0.001)
V = A * Xa - La;
c2 = sqrt((~V*V)(0, 0) / (3*n-7));
cout << "绝对定向的结果:\n" << "X:" << X << "\t" << "Y:" << Y << "\t" << "Z:" << Z << "\t" << "MA:" << MA << "\t" << "O:" << O << "\t" << "P:" << P << "\t" << "K:" << K << "\n";
cout << "绝对定向精度与迭代的次数为:\n" << "精度:" << c2 << "\t" << "迭代次数:" << count2 << "\n";
void Model::transabs()
cout << "转换为的地面点的坐标为:\n";
for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
Matrix temp(3, 1);
temp(0, 0) = MO[i][0];
temp(1, 0) = MO[i][1];
temp(2, 0) = MO[i][2];
temp=romatrix(O, P, K)*temp;
AB[i][0] = MA * temp(0, 0) + X;
AB[i][1] = MA * temp(1, 0) + Y;
AB[i][2] = MA * temp(2, 0) + Z;
cout << AB[i][0] << "\t" << AB[i][1] << "\t" << AB[i][2] << "\n";
Matrix Model::romatrix(double o, double p, double k)
Matrix rota(3, 3);
rota(0, 0) = cos(o)*cos(k) - sin(o)*sin(p)*sin(k);
rota(0, 1) = -cos(o)*sin(k) - sin(o)*sin(p)*cos(k);
rota(0, 2) = -sin(o)*cos(p);
rota(1, 0) = cos(p)*sin(k);
rota(1, 1) = cos(p)*cos(k);
rota(1, 2) = -sin(p);
rota(2, 0) = sin(o)*cos(k) + cos(o)*sin(p)*sin(k);
rota(2, 1) = -sin(o)*sin(k) + cos(o)*sin(p)*cos(k);
rota(2, 2) = cos(o)*cos(p);
return rota;
#include "pch.h"
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
Model::Model(int m1, double Left[9][2], double Right[9][2], int m2, double Ground[9][3], double f)
this->f0 = f;
bx = Left[0][0] - Right[0][0];
o = 0, p = 0, k = 0, u = 0, v = 0, count1 = 0;
X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, O = 0, P = 0, K = 0, MA = 1;
m = m1;
n = m2;
L = new double*[m];
R = new double*[m];
G = new double*[n];
MO = new double*[m];
AB = new double*[m];
for (int i = 0;i < m;i++)
L[i] = new double[2];
R[i] = new double[2];
MO[i] = new double[3];
AB[i] = new double[3];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
G[i] = new double[3];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
L[i][0] = Left[i][0];
L[i][1] = Left[i][1];
R[i][0] = Right[i][0];
R[i][1] = Right[i][1];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
G[j][0] = Ground[j][0];
G[j][1] = Ground[j][1];
G[j][2] = Ground[j][2];
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
MO[i][0] = 0;
MO[i][1] = 0;
MO[i][2] = 0;
AB[i][0] = 0;
AB[i][1] = 0;
AB[i][2] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
void Model::relative()
Matrix A(6, 5),Lc(6, 1),V(6, 1),Xa(5, 1), xfu(3, 1);;
while (true)
by = bx * u, bz = bx * v;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
xfu(0, 0) = R[i][0];
xfu(1, 0) = R[i][1];
xfu(2, 0) = -f0;
xfu = romatrix(o, p, k)*xfu;
double X1 = L[i][0];
double Y1 = L[i][1];
double Z1 = -f0;
double X2 = xfu(0, 0);
double Y2 = xfu(1, 0);
double Z2 = xfu(2, 0);
N1 = (bx* Z2 - bz * X2) / (X1 * Z2 - X2*Z1);
N2 = (bx* Z1 - bz *X1) / (X1 * Z2 - X2 * Z1);
A(i, 0) = -X2 * Y2*N2 / Z2;
A(i, 1) = -(Z2+Y2*Y2/Z2)*N2;
A(i, 2) =X2*N2;
A(i, 3) = bx;
A(i, 4) = -(Y2 *bx) /Z2;
Lc(i, 0) = N1 *Y1 - N2 * Y2 - by;
Xa = (~A*A).Inv()*(~A)*Lc;
o += Xa(0, 0), p += Xa(1, 0), k += Xa(2, 0), u += Xa(3, 0), v += Xa(4, 0);
if (fabs(Xa(0, 0))<0.00003&&fabs(Xa(1, 0))<0.00003 && fabs(Xa(2, 0))< 0.00003&&fabs(Xa(3, 0)) < 0.00003&&fabs(Xa(4, 0))< 0.00003)
cout << "Xa:\n" << Xa(0, 0) << "\t" << Xa(1, 0) << "\t" << Xa(2, 0) << "\t" << Xa(3, 0) << "\t" << Xa(4, 0) << endl;
V = A * Xa - Lc;
cout << "相对定向的结果为:\n" << "o=" << o << "\t" << "p=" << p << "\t" << "k=" << k << "\t" << "u:" << u<< "\t" << "v:" <<v<< "\n";
cout << "迭代的精度以及次数为:\n" << "精度为:" << c1 << "迭代次数为:" << count1 << "\n";
void Model::model()
M = sqrt(((G[0][0] - G[1][0])* (G[0][0] - G[1][0]) + (G[0][1] - G[1][1])* (G[0][1] - G[1][1])) / ((L[0][0] - L[1][0])* (L[0][0] - L[1][0]) + (L[0][1] - L[1][1])* (L[0][1] - L[1][1])));
cout << "模型点坐标为:\n";
Matrix temp(3, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
temp(0, 0) = R[i][0];
temp(1, 0) = R[i][1];
temp(2, 0) = -f0;
temp = romatrix(o, p, k)*temp;
double X1 = L[i][0];
double Y1 = L[i][1];
double Z1 = -f0;
double X2 = temp(0, 0);
double Y2 = temp(1, 0);
double Z2 = temp(2, 0);
N1 = (bx* Z2 - bz * X2) / (X1 * Z2 - X2 * Z1);
N2 = (bx* Z1 - bz * X1) / (X1 * Z2 - X2 * Z1);
MO[i][0] = M * N1*X1;
MO[i][1] = 0.5*M*(N1*Y1 + N2*Y2+by);
MO[i][2] = M * (f0 + N1 * (-f0));
cout << MO[i][0] << "\t" << MO[i][1] << "\t" << MO[i][2] << endl;
void Model::absolute()
Matrix A(3*n,7), Xa(7,1), V(3*n,1), La(3*n,1);
int i = 0;
for (int j=0; j < n; j++)
Matrix temp(3,1);
temp(0, 0) = MO[j][0], temp(1, 0) = MO[j][1], temp(2, 0) = MO[j][2];
A(i, 0) = 1,A(i, 3) =MO[j][0], A(i, 4) = -MO[j][2], A(i, 6) = -MO[j][1];
A(i + 1, 1) = 1, A(i + 1, 3) = MO[j][1], A(i+1, 5) = -MO[j][2], A(i+1, 6) = MO[j][0];
A(i + 2, 2) = 1, A(i + 2, 3) = MO[j][2], A(i+2, 4) = MO[j][0], A(i + 2, 5) = MO[j][1];
temp=romatrix(O, P, K)*temp;
La(i, 0) = G[j][0] - MA * temp(0, 0) - X;
La(i + 1, 0) = G[j][1] - MA * temp(1, 0) - Y;
La(i + 2, 0) = G[j][2] - MA * temp(2, 0) - Z;
i += 3;
Xa= (~A*A).Inv()*(~A)*La;
X += Xa(0, 0), Y += Xa(1, 0), Z += Xa(2, 0), O += Xa(4, 0), P += Xa(5, 0), K += Xa(6, 0), MA += Xa(3, 0);
if (fabs(Xa(0, 0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(1, 0)) < 0.001 && fabs(Xa(2, 0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(3,0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(4,0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(5, 0)) < 0.001&&fabs(Xa(6, 0)) < 0.001)
V = A * Xa - La;
c2 = sqrt((~V*V)(0, 0) / (3*n-7));
cout << "绝对定向的结果:\n" << "X:" << X << "\t" << "Y:" << Y << "\t" << "Z:" << Z << "\t" << "MA:" << MA << "\t" << "O:" << O << "\t" << "P:" << P << "\t" << "K:" << K << "\n";
cout << "绝对定向精度与迭代的次数为:\n" << "精度:" << c2 << "\t" << "迭代次数:" << count2 << "\n";
void Model::transabs()
cout << "转换为的地面点的坐标为:\n";
for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
Matrix temp(3, 1);
temp(0, 0) = MO[i][0];
temp(1, 0) = MO[i][1];
temp(2, 0) = MO[i][2];
temp=romatrix(O, P, K)*temp;
AB[i][0] = MA * temp(0, 0) + X;
AB[i][1] = MA * temp(1, 0) + Y;
AB[i][2] = MA * temp(2, 0) + Z;
cout << AB[i][0] << "\t" << AB[i][1] << "\t" << AB[i][2] << "\n";
Matrix Model::romatrix(double o, double p, double k)
Matrix rota(3, 3);
rota(0, 0) = cos(o)*cos(k) - sin(o)*sin(p)*sin(k);
rota(0, 1) = -cos(o)*sin(k) - sin(o)*sin(p)*cos(k);
rota(0, 2) = -sin(o)*cos(p);
rota(1, 0) = cos(p)*sin(k);
rota(1, 1) = cos(p)*cos(k);
rota(1, 2) = -sin(p);
rota(2, 0) = sin(o)*cos(k) + cos(o)*sin(p)*sin(k);
rota(2, 1) = -sin(o)*sin(k) + cos(o)*sin(p)*cos(k);
rota(2, 2) = cos(o)*cos(p);
return rota;
#include "pch.h"
using namespace std;
Matrix::Matrix(int r, int c)
Row = r;
Col = c;
Data = new double*[Row];
for (int i = 0; i < Row; i++)
Data[i] = new double[Col];
for (int j = 0; j < Col; j++)
Data[i][j] = 0;
Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix&ma)
Row = ma.R();
Col = ma.C();
Data = new double *[Row];
for (int i = 0; i < Row; i++)
Data[i] = new double[Col];
memcpy(Data[i], ma.Data[i], sizeof(double)*Col);
for (int i = 0; i < Row; i++)
double &Matrix::operator()(int a, int b)
if (a >= Row || b >= Col)
throw("Matrix::operator:Index out of range!");
return Data[a][b];
double &Matrix::operator()(int a, int b)const
if (a >= Row || b >= Col)
throw("Matrix::operator:Index out of range!");
return Data[a][b];
Matrix Matrix ::operator =(const Matrix &ma1)
if (Row != ma1.R() || Col != ma1.C())
throw"the matrix are different!";
for (int i = 0; i < Row; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < Col; j++)
Data[i][j] = ma1(i, j);
return *this;
Matrix operator+(const Matrix &ma1, const Matrix &ma2)
if (ma1.R() != ma2.R() || ma1.C() != ma2.C())
throw("the size of two matrix is different");
Matrix ma(ma1.R(), ma1.C());
for (int i = 0; i < ma1.R(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ma1.C(); j++)
ma(i, j) = ma1(i, j) + ma2(i, j);
return ma;
Matrix operator-(const Matrix &ma1, const Matrix &ma2)
if (ma1.R() != ma2.R() || ma1.C() != ma2.C())
throw("the size of two matrix is different");
Matrix ma(ma1.R(), ma1.C());
for (int i = 0; i < ma1.R(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ma1.C(); j++)
ma(i, j) = ma1(i, j) - ma2(i, j);
return ma;
Matrix operator * (const Matrix &ma1, const Matrix &ma2)
if (ma1.C() != ma2.R())
throw("There two matrix can not *");
Matrix ma(ma1.R(), ma2.C());
for (int i = 0; i < ma1.R(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ma2.C(); j++)
for (int k = 0; k < ma1.C(); k++)
ma(i, j) += ma1(i, k)*ma2(k, j);
return ma;
Matrix operator *(int a, const Matrix &ma1)
Matrix ma(ma1.R(), ma1.C());
for (int i = 0; i < ma1.R(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ma1.C(); j++)
ma(i, j) = a * ma1(i, j);
return ma;
Matrix operator *(const Matrix &ma1, int a)
Matrix ma(ma1.R(), ma1.C());
for (int i = 0; i < ma1.R(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ma1.C(); j++)
ma(i, j) = a * ma1(i, j);
return ma;
Matrix operator ~(const Matrix &ma1)
Matrix ma(ma1.C(), ma1.R());
for (int i = 0; i < ma1.R(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ma1.C(); j++)
ma(j, i) = ma1(i, j);
return ma;
Matrix Matrix::Inv()
if (Row != Col)
throw("The matrix can not be inversion!");
Matrix cmat(Row, Row);
cmat = *this;//复制对象
int i, j, k, v;
int *mainrow = new int[Row];//存放主元的行号
int *maincol = new int[Row];//存放主元的列号
double mid; //临时变量
double maincount; //主元值
for (k = 0; k < Row; k++)
maincount = 0;
for (i = k; i < Row; i++)
for (j = k; j < Col; j++)
if (fabs(cmat(i, j)) >= maincount)
maincount = fabs(cmat(i, j));
mainrow[k] = i;
maincol[k] = j;
if (fabs(maincount) < 0.0000000000001)
throw("The matrix can not be inversion!");
if (mainrow[k] != k)
for (i = 0; i < Row; i++)
v = mainrow[k];
mid = cmat(k, i);
cmat(k, i) = cmat(v, i);
cmat(v, i) = mid;
if (maincol[k] != k)
for (i = 0; i < Row; i++)
v = maincol[k];
mid = cmat(i, k);
cmat(i, k) = cmat(i, v);
cmat(i, v) = mid;
/*----计算cmat(k, k)*/
cmat(k, k) = 1 / cmat(k, k);
for (j = 0; j < Row; j++)
if (j != k)
cmat(k, j) *= cmat(k, k);
for (i = 0; i < Row; i++)
if (i != k)
for (j = 0; j < Row; j++)
if (j != k)
cmat(i, j) -= cmat(i, k)*cmat(k, j);
for (i = 0; i < Row; i++)
if (i != k)
cmat(i, k) = -cmat(i, k)*cmat(k, k);
for (k = Row - 1; k >= 0; k--)
for (i = 0; i < Row; i++)
v = maincol[k];
mid = cmat(k, i);
cmat(k, i) = cmat(v, i);
cmat(v, i) = mid;
for (i = 0; i < Row; i++)
v = mainrow[k];
mid = cmat(i, k);
cmat(i, k) = cmat(i, v);
cmat(i, v) = mid;
return cmat;