norm: n. 常态,规范,标准; 见怪不怪,稀松平常。
1. In China marrying young is no longer the social norm.
2. Birth out of wedlock are becoming the norm in many countries.
3. Bilingual education remains the norm in international schools throughout non-English speaking countries.
4. The social norm"men should earn more than their wives" remains unchanged.
生活秩序恢复正常 go back to the normality.
公认的规范 established norm, 道德规范 moral norm
V搭配: 符合规范 conform to the norm, 偏离常态deviate from the norm,
Prep搭配: over the norm, below the norm, above the norm
搭配短语: an exception to the norm, a deviation/departure to the norm, the norm rather than the exceptions.
2. 翻译:
Creative minds tend to challenge, and even deviate from the norm, rather than conform to it.
3. 场景: 在国外成立办事处成为一种常态
As for many Chinese companies, the establishment of their sole agents in the oversea markets is becoming the norm.