As a Grammarian (or Language Evaluator), you are the guardian of proper English. Effective communication is heavily depended on choosing the right word or phrase to deliver speaker’s thoughts, you are their ears for that. You listen and provide feedbacks to all speakers and encourage them to use the World of the Day to enrich their choice of vocabulary . Here is how you prepare your role as a Grammarian.d
你需要做好的准备:You Will Need
Note Book and Pen to jot down any good use of words and sentences or anything that needed to be improved.
Word of the Day – A word you prepare ahead of the meeting.(seems like the name should be Word of the Week, instead of Word of the Day as we used to)
Here are some of the websites for you to find Word of the Day:
官网上:Toastmasters (NEW):
On the Web:
Merriam Websterhttp://www.merriam-webster.com/word-of-the-day/
Free Dictionaryhttp://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/
Email Subscription:
Oxford English Dictionaryhttp://www.oed.com/emailupdates
The Toastmasters of the Evening (TME) will introduce all facilitators and when you are called, you approach the stage and shake hand to take over the stage. You will need to introduce your role and the Word of the Day. Your script could look like this:
“Thank you Madam/Mr Toastmasters of the Evening. Fellow Toastmasters, Friends and Guest. My role as a Grammarian is to pay attention to the good use of English and provide suggestions for improvements. At the end of the meeting, I will be up on the stage again to give you my report.
Before that, I would like to introduce the Word of the Day. The Word of the Day is to help fellow members to enrich your vocabulary, one meeting at a time, so you can have a vast array of word to use to prepare your speech. For this meeting, the Word of the Day is Surreal, If you say that a good event is a miracle, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected.meaning something very Surreal or unusual: having the quality of a dream. For example: It is amiracle that I have complete all 10 Competent Communicator speeches in just one year!
You are encouraged to use the Word of the Day as frequent as you could in this meeting and I will count how frequent this word has been used. I will provide my report at the end of the meeting.
Back to you Ms./Mr Toastmasters of the Evening”
会议期间要做好的:During the Meeting
You will need to jot down any good use of English, for example, when a speaker say something that are able to capture your imagination with good use of metaphors, nicely structured sentences or words that are perfectly chosen, you can jot those down and provide your report later on. Using the 2014 Champion Speech by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi, here are some of the examples:
Good Use of Metaphors:
“You and I are not very different like from this flower, just like this flower is unique, you are unique.”
Nicely structured sentences:
“So my dad introduce me to this strange club that had a strange name with strange people,talking.”
Good Use of Words:
“…while I was specking I see a strange men seating in the back room, humble, simple, the unfailing quality of kindness in his eyes”
You may also jot down any wrong pronunciation of words, bad structured sentences and confusing metaphors that you could provide ways to improve when you are back on stage.
Meanwhile, don’t forget to count the number of use for Word of the Day.
At the end of the meeting, the Toastmasters of the Evening will introduce you back on stage to give a report about your observation on the speakers’ use of English.
You can report by saying:
“Dear Fellow Toastmasters, Friends and Guest, it was a pleasure listening to your speeches and I do find a few good use of English that I would like to share…(good use of English). Meanwhile, I would like to point out some of the words and sentences that can be improved…(bad use of English).”
As a norm, we only report the words and sentences without mentioning the speakers name for it. This of course, can be different between clubs and you can check this with the previous Grammarians or the Vice President of Education (VPE) for more details.
Meanwhile, don’t forget to mention Word of the Day:
“I am happy to see that fellow members are eager to use the World of the Day, we have (name), (name) and (name) used the word (Word of the Day), great job!
Back to you, Toastmasters of the Evening!”
The syntax sentinel
Before the Meeting One benefit of Toastmasters is that it helps people improve their grammar and word use. Being grammarian also provides an exercise in expanding listening skills. You have several responsibilities: to introduce new words to members, to comment on language usage during the course of the meeting, and to provide examples of eloquence.
Several days before the meeting, select a"word of the day" (if this is done in your club):
·It should be a word that will help membersincrease their vocabulary – a word that can be incorporated easily intoeveryday conversation but is different from the way people usually expressthemselves.
·Adjectives and adverbs are more adaptable than nouns orverbs, but feel free to select your own special word.
·Print your word, its part of speech (adjective, adverb,noun, verb) and a brief definition in letters large enough to be seen from theback of the room.
·Prepare a sentence showing how the word is used.
Also, prepare a brief explanation of theduties of the grammarian for the benefit of the guests.
At the Meeting Before the meeting begins, place your visual aid at the front of the room where everyone can see it. Also get a blank piece of paper and pen ready to make notes, or get a copy of the grammarian’s log, if your club has one, from the sergeant at arms.
When introduced:
·Announce the word of the day, state its part of speech,define it, use it in a sentence and ask that anyone speaking during any part ofthe meeting use it.
·Briefly explain the role of the grammarian.
Throughout the meeting, listen to
everyone’s word usage. Write down any awkward use or misuse of the language
(incomplete sentences, sentences that change direction in midstream, incorrect
grammar or malapropisms(n.文字误用;词语荒唐误用)) with a note of who erred. For example,point out if someone used a singular verb with a plural subject. “One in fivechildren wear glasses” should be “one in five children wears glasses.” Notewhen a pronoun is misused. “No one in the choir sings better than her” shouldbe “No one in the choir sings better than she.”
Write down who used the word of the day(or a derivative of it) and note those who used it correctly orincorrectly.
When called on by the general evaluatorduring the evaluation segment:
·Stand by your chair and give your report.
·Try to offer the correct usage in every instance ofmisuse (instead of merely announcing that something was wrong).
·Report on creative language usage and announce who usedthe word of the day (or a derivative of it) correctly or incorrectly.
After the meeting, give your completed report to the treasurer for collection of fines, if your club does this.