1. Words and Phrases
1) There is only phantom security in such a relationship when all appears to be going well.
phantom: 幻影; 幽灵; 错觉; 恐惧的事物;
仿写:Please don’t always live in your phantom world.
2) I believe that almost anyone who is seriously involved in any church will recognize that churchgoing is not synonymous with personal spirituality.
be synonymous with: 与....同义
仿写:To be superior in school is not synonymous with that you will be success in your career life.
3) They don’t depend on the behavior of others, the environment, or the current fad for their validity.
fad: 一时流行的风尚;一时的爱好
仿写:In the past two decades , fitness has become a fad.
2. Thoughts
一眨眼睛,人生已经走完 一半了,孩时以父母长辈的期望为中心,婚后以丈夫,孩子为中心,工作以谋生存而做,仔细想过自己想要的人生,可是现实总是残酷的,总有很多借口牵绊自己寻找梦想。看完这段才发现,只要好好规划,即使一个人身担许多角色,但也一样可以每个角色都做得很好,成为一个出色的人。