作者通过列举举重运动员、游泳员、骑行者等经过训练他们的体能发生适应性改变来引出话题,人脑是否同样会发生?通过描述伦敦街道的复杂,乘客不确切描述出租车司机都能精确定位—由Maguire's 研究说明职业需要长期训练下大脑产生适应现象,神经元间联系具有可塑性并非固定不变。在通过大量科学实验例证:three-fingered Braille readers research ,the blind and the deaf subjects—the area of the brain changes eventually overlapped.
释义:the quality of being easily made into any shape, and of staying in that shape untilsomeone changes it
记忆:plastic 塑料,可塑体。-ity 表明词,具备某种性质
顺带:elasticity ——elastic 弹力带,有弹性的—-ity ——变名词,弹性
2.baffle :
Few cities in the world can baffle a GPS system as London can
释义:if something baffles you, you cannot understand or explain it at all:
同义:confuse, confound ,befuddle
...driver continue to the increase and hone their knowledge of ...
释义:to improve your skill at doing something, especially when you are alreadyvery good at it:
同义:ameliorate, amend, better, improve
释义:too strange or mysterious to be understood
In the future,We may be baffled by some unfathomable theories in our academical learning,whether in philosophy 、medicines 、astronomy etc.or not. However,Don't be afraid,just go head bravely.As we know,there are plastic neuro in our adaptable brain,which can be molded by deliberate training.Therefore,We can increase and hone our lectural knowledge through reading a disproportionated number of related paper,articles,coherent researches.etc.Just by pushing us out of comfortable zone bravely and taking abundant practices efficiently ,then,our brain harnesses expectant adaptation ,helping us take further step to be ubiquitous one .