原标题:How do I improve my writing skills in 20 days?
I’ve put together 10 simple, actionable tips from my own experience to help you.Practise each day and you will see an improvement.
1.Cutout the adverbs.
I useCtrl+f+ly to spot them. Whilst using a few adverbs will not ruin your writing,too many might. Adverbs tend to be vague and serve often no purpose within thetext. Learning to find other ways of constructing sentences is a quick methodfor upgrading any piece of writing.
2.Cutout the abbreviations.
I alwaysuse Ctrl+f+' to do this. Just like adverbs, a few are fine (such as in an informal piece.) Too many can add an amateurish tone or disrupt communication.
3.Checkyou are not using the same word too many times.
This is my #1 pet hate in writing and often cause me to not finish reading a book or article. In particular, weak words such as ‘but’, ‘yet’ and ‘though’ tend to be everywhere. Keep track of those which you have a tendency to repeat, then try to avoid them altogether. I useEditMinion to check for duplicates.
4.If you only read crap, it will be obvious in your writing.
Treatreading as an athlete treats their diet - with care. This doesn’t mean you mustplough through classic novels and academic papers every day, though. I aim tokeep a balancebetween heaviertexts, and those which are relevant to my own work. When a particular person’swriting resonates with me, I like to study it in depth. I note down phrases,analyse techniques and pay attention to structure. Analysis is not just forGCSE English classes.
5. Use a thesaurus.
But stop trying to sound smart. Ifyou have ever read anything byTheodor Adorno, then you know how irritating an overgrownvocabulary is. Fancy words and endless synonyms are not needed in everysentence. Putting points across in a succinct, well-thought out manner ispreferable.
停止耍小聪明,如果你曾经读过关于Theodor Adorno的任何书籍,然后你会知道一个过了的词汇多会让人感到不愉快。每句话都不需要花哨的话语和没有头的同义词。以简明扼要,思想清晰的方式提出意见是可取的
6. Learn how to use hyphensand semicolons properly.
These arecrucial for creating the right pace and for making sentences flow. A shortcut to developing hyphen fluency (and general accuracy) is to download a free extension called Grammarly. It flags up any mistakes which most grammarcheckers do not have the sensitivity for.
7. Spend AT LEAST twice asmuch time editing as you do writing.
For a 500-word essay, I oftenwrite for just 15 minutes, or half an hour for a 1000 word one. 2-8 hours of meticulous editing then follow. The initial burst of writing produces a rough outline, nothing more. The editing is when I form the desired structure and tone. Take regular breaks throughout this part to avoid focusing on minutiae. For example, the outline of this post took me 30 minutes to write, yet the editing and finishing took around 5 hours.
8. Keep paragraphs short andsentences shorter.
Enough said.
9. Build the habit ofwriting every day, without fail.
Add it toyour calendar.I have done so on a consistent basis sinceI was a childanddo not regret a second of it. At times it has swung intoborderline hypergraphia(?).At one point, I filled a Moleskine notebook every 10 days. Now, I aim to writeat least 500 words for this site per day, in addition to my universityassignments.
10. Time yourself.
I keep track of how long I spend on each essay for my site, or for my university work. At the moment, I am aiming to become more efficient. This is a productive practice to get into-both to ensure you are spending a reasonable amount of time it, and to avoid overworking a particular piece. More than 5 hours per day and I start to get burnt out, less than 2 and I struggle to keep up with commitments.