1. What XX do you have in mind? 你想要个什么样的XX?
(联想※ What are you looking for in XX?你希望找个什么样的XX/ 你最看重XX的啥?
△ What are you looking for in a plan/ your next job/ in a girl/ in a relationship?)
2. run a special 促销活动
△ We’re running a special right now
3. inclusive of tax 含税
4. can't make heads or tails of 毫无头绪,晕头转向
△ I can't make heads or tails of this map.
5. bang up 毁坏,损害
△ He was in a car accident and was banged up pretty badly.
△ He banged up the car.
6. highway/daylight robbery 漫天要价,敲竹杠
(联想※ pricy,rip off :The airlines have been accused of ripping off customers. 名词rip-off:What a rip-off!)
7. cut it close(英cut it fine) 卡点儿
△ It's cutting it close to get to the station at 9:45 when the train leaves at 9:50!
8. grace period 宽限期
9. 你帮我我大忙啦。You've been such a big help.
10. 都妥了。You're good to go. You’re all set.
11. The cost of the car repairs is going to be $350, inclusive of parts and labour. 部件费和人工费
12. call for 预测
△ The weather forecast is calling for rain tomorrow.
13. pull up 调记录
△ pull up your reservation
△ pull up his file
14. just my luck 真倒霉!这运气!
15. worth sb's while 对...有好处(或用处),值得
△ It will be worth your while to come to the meeting.
16. as a rule 一般来说,通常
△ I don't care much for horror movies as a rule.
17. zoo 吵闹的地方
△ The classroom was a zoo after the teacher went away.
18. make a racket 大吵大闹
△ How dare you make such a racket in the Great Hall!
19. reek of 散发着...的臭气 (想到GOT里的Theon臭佬😿)
(联想※ smell stink
△ He hadn't washed for days and was beginning to smell.
△ It stinks of smoke in here.)
20. 实在抱歉。I do apologize for that.
21. big bags 大眼袋 You have big bags under your eyes.(此处应插入苏大强图片😝)
22. make it to... 到达XX
23. make good time 快速前进,比预计行进快
△ We made good time and arrived by midday.
△ We drove on a zigzag road and we couldn't make good time.
24. make a pit stop 小停一下(上厕所,或吃点东西)
△ Do you think we can make a pit stop?
25. grab a bite 吃点东西
(复习※ grab 匆忙地拿,取;抓紧吃、睡等
grab a beer/drink
grab some lunch
grab some sleep (We can grab a few hours sleep at the airport. )
26. turn off 驶离(比如:下高速)
名词turn-off 出口匝道
27. know XX like the back of your hand 对XX了如指掌(尤指道路)
28. doze off 打盹儿
△ I closed my eyes for a minute and must have dozed off.
29. Hang/turn a left out of the gas station. Hop on 35 South. Take it about 10 miles and you'll see a sign for 80 East.
hop on 跳上... (This is a hop-on-hop-off service and tickets are valid for 24 hours.)
30. a backseat driver (这不是我吗😂 居然还专门有个词 )
△ I have to admit I'm a bit of a backseat driver.
△ You know, I'd tell you to stop being such a backseat driver, but how can you be one when you don't even know how to drive? (是我是我还是我,不会开车还要指手画脚,感谢老公。。)
31. bite one's tongue 忍住不说
I'll try to bite my tongue. But don't hold your breath.🤣
32. I'm afraid so. (很不幸,是的)
I guess/suppose so. (虽然不太愿意,但是‘是的/可以’。)
33. collision damage waiver CDW 车损险 If the car comes back in two pieces, you can get away with it.
34. refill 动词重音在后,名词重音在前
Can I have a refill? 能续杯吗? 替芯也是refill
35. mail 是不可数名词 I get enough junk mail already.
1. ˌback-seat ˈdriver重音在后
2. collision damage waiver 重音在waiver上面
3. pit stop 重音在前