Function costshare(cost1 As Double, startdate1 As Date, enddate1 As Date, quarter1 As Integer) As Double
'季度数:取值范围 [1,++] ,计数从开始日期当年的1季度起,即 1 为开始日期当年1季度,表示1季度应分摊费用,以此类推
Dim cost As Double, startdate As Date, enddate As Date, quarter As Integer
Dim month_cost As Double, date_quarter1 As Date, date_quarter2 As Date
cost = cost1
startdate = startdate1
enddate = enddate1
quarter = quarter1
month_cost = monthcost.monthcost(cost, startdate, enddate) '计算每月标准费用,调用其他模块的函数,句点法
date_quarter1 = DateSerial(Year(startdate), quarter * 3 - 2, 1) '待分摊季度初的日期
date_quarter2 = DateSerial(Year(startdate), quarter * 3 + 1, 0) '待分摊季度末的日期
If DateDiff("d", enddate, date_quarter1) > 0 Or DateDiff("d", date_quarter2, startdate) > 0 Then
costshare = 0
ElseIf DateDiff("d", date_quarter1, startdate) >= 0 And DateDiff("d", enddate, date_quarter2) >= 0 Then
costshare = cost
ElseIf DateDiff("d", date_quarter1, startdate) >= 0 And DateDiff("d", date_quarter2, enddate) >= 0 Then
costshare = datecost.datecost(startdate, date_quarter2, month_cost)
ElseIf DateDiff("d", startdate, date_quarter1) >= 0 And DateDiff("d", date_quarter2, enddate) >= 0 Then
costshare = month_cost * 3
ElseIf DateDiff("d", startdate, date_quarter1) >= 0 And DateDiff("d", enddate, date_quarter2) >= 0 Then
costshare = datecost.datecost(date_quarter1, enddate, month_cost)
End If
End Function
Sub costshare帮助信息()
Dim 函数名称 As String '函数名称
Dim 函数描述 As String '函数描述
Dim 参数个数(4) As String '函数参数描述 数组 个数
函数名称 = "costshare"
函数描述 = "根据待分摊费用总额、费用起止日期、待分摊归属季度,计算该季度应分摊费用"
参数个数(0) = "参数1:待分摊费用,数字格式"
参数个数(1) = "参数2:费用开始日期,日期格式"
参数个数(2) = "参数3:费用结束日期,日期格式"
参数个数(3) = "参数4:待分摊归属季度,自开始日期当年度1季度开始计数,数字格式"
Call Application.MacroOptions(macro:=函数名称, Description:=函数描述, ArgumentDescriptions:=参数个数)
End Sub