

示例域名: zhaoka.com

字典文件: zhaoka.com.txt

DNSenum 命令:


dnsenum zhaoka.com
dnsenum --enum zhaoka.com
dnsenum  zhaoka.com -f zhaoka.com.txt --threads 5


dnsenum.pl VERSION:1.2.3
Usage: dnsenum.pl [Options] <domain>
Note: the brute force -f switch is obligatory.
  --dnsserver   <server>
            Use this DNS server for A, NS and MX queries.
  --enum        Shortcut option equivalent to --threads 5 -s 15 -w.
  -h, --help        Print this help message.
  --noreverse       Skip the reverse lookup operations.
  --nocolor     Disable ANSIColor output.
  --private     Show and save private ips at the end of the file domain_ips.txt.
  --subfile <file>  Write all valid subdomains to this file.
  -t, --timeout <value> The tcp and udp timeout values in seconds (default: 10s).
  --threads <value> The number of threads that will perform different queries.
  -v, --verbose     Be verbose: show all the progress and all the error messages.
  -p, --pages <value>   The number of google search pages to process when scraping names,
            the default is 5 pages, the -s switch must be specified.
  -s, --scrap <value>   The maximum number of subdomains that will be scraped from Google (default 15).
  -f, --file <file> Read subdomains from this file to perform brute force.
  -u, --update  <a|g|r|z>
            Update the file specified with the -f switch with valid subdomains.
    a (all)     Update using all results.
    g       Update using only google scraping results.
    r       Update using only reverse lookup results.
    z       Update using only zonetransfer results.
  -r, --recursion   Recursion on subdomains, brute force all discovred subdomains that have an NS record.
  -d, --delay <value>   The maximum value of seconds to wait between whois queries, the value is defined randomly, default:
 3s.  -w, --whois       Perform the whois queries on c class network ranges.
             **Warning**: this can generate very large netranges and it will take lot of time to performe rever
  -e, --exclude <regexp>
            Exclude PTR records that match the regexp expression from reverse lookup results, useful on invalid
 hostnames.OUTPUT OPTIONS:
  -o --output <file>    Output in XML format. Can be imported in MagicTree (www.gremwell.com)

fierce 命令


fierce -dns zhaoka.com


fierce -dns zhaoka.com -wordlist zhaoka.com.txt


# 只扫出 ns 记录其它都没扫出来
fierce -dns zhaoka.com -dnsserver -threads 5 -wordlist zhaoka.com.txt

range 用法 (没试出来怎么用)

fierce -range -dnsserver


    -connect    Attempt to make http connections to any non RFC1918
        (public) addresses.  This will output the return headers but
        be warned, this could take a long time against a company with
        many targets, depending on network/machine lag.  I wouldn't
        recommend doing this unless it's a small company or you have a
        lot of free time on your hands (could take hours-days).
        Inside the file specified the text "Host:\n" will be replaced
        by the host specified. Usage:

    perl fierce.pl -dns example.com -connect headers.txt

    -delay      The number of seconds to wait between lookups.
    -dns        The domain you would like scanned.
    -dnsfile    Use DNS servers provided by a file (one per line) for
                reverse lookups (brute force).
    -dnsserver  Use a particular DNS server for reverse lookups
        (probably should be the DNS server of the target).  Fierce
        uses your DNS server for the initial SOA query and then uses
        the target's DNS server for all additional queries by default.
    -file       A file you would like to output to be logged to.
    -fulloutput When combined with -connect this will output everything
        the webserver sends back, not just the HTTP headers.
    -help       This screen.
    -nopattern  Don't use a search pattern when looking for nearby
        hosts.  Instead dump everything.  This is really noisy but
        is useful for finding other domains that spammers might be
        using.  It will also give you lots of false positives,
        especially on large domains.
    -range      Scan an internal IP range (must be combined with
        -dnsserver).  Note, that this does not support a pattern
        and will simply output anything it finds.  Usage:

    perl fierce.pl -range 111.222.333.0-255 -dnsserver ns1.example.co

    -search     Search list.  When fierce attempts to traverse up and
        down ipspace it may encounter other servers within other
        domains that may belong to the same company.  If you supply a
        comma delimited list to fierce it will report anything found.
        This is especially useful if the corporate servers are named
        different from the public facing website.  Usage:

    perl fierce.pl -dns examplecompany.com -search corpcompany,blahcompany

        Note that using search could also greatly expand the number of
        hosts found, as it will continue to traverse once it locates
        servers that you specified in your search list.  The more the
    -suppress   Suppress all TTY output (when combined with -file).
    -tcptimeout Specify a different timeout (default 10 seconds).  You
        may want to increase this if the DNS server you are querying
        is slow or has a lot of network lag.
    -threads  Specify how many threads to use while scanning (default
      is single threaded).
    -traverse   Specify a number of IPs above and below whatever IP you
        have found to look for nearby IPs.  Default is 5 above and
        below.  Traverse will not move into other C blocks.
    -version    Output the version number.
    -wide       Scan the entire class C after finding any matching
        hostnames in that class C.  This generates a lot more traffic
        but can uncover a lot more information.
    -wordlist   Use a seperate wordlist (one word per line).  Usage:

    perl fierce.pl -dns examplecompany.com -wordlist dictionary.txt

host 命令:

查询 NS 记录 (域名解析服务器)

host -t ns zhaoka.com
zhaoka.com name server ns2.dnsv2.com.
zhaoka.com name server ns1.dnsv2.com.

查询 A 记录

host -t a zhaoka.com
zhaoka.com has address

查询 MX 记录

host -t mx zhaoka.com
zhaoka.com mail is handled by 5 mail.jsqix.com.


host --help
host: illegal option -- -
Usage: host [-aCdlriTwv] [-c class] [-N ndots] [-t type] [-
W time]            [-R number] [-m flag] hostname [server]
       -a is equivalent to -v -t ANY
       -c specifies query class for non-IN data
       -C compares SOA records on authoritative nameservers
       -d is equivalent to -v
       -l lists all hosts in a domain, using AXFR
       -i IP6.INT reverse lookups
       -N changes the number of dots allowed before root lo
okup is done       -r disables recursive processing
       -R specifies number of retries for UDP packets
       -s a SERVFAIL response should stop query
       -t specifies the query type
       -T enables TCP/IP mode
       -v enables verbose output
       -w specifies to wait forever for a reply
       -W specifies how long to wait for a reply
       -4 use IPv4 query transport only
       -6 use IPv6 query transport only
       -m set memory debugging flag (trace|record|usage)
       -V print version number and exit
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