在日常生活或者工作中,如果问题一个个的接踵而来,我们多半会崩溃。然而,有类人,TA 们遇到问题就兴奋,因为此时便是 TA 展现才华的时刻。这类人,便是具有“Restorative”属性的人。
本节课程 Q 老师将带大家一起看看“Restorative”
属性的人的特点,并给出与 TA 们相处的建议。
restorative sleep/rest
You love to solve problems. Whereas some are dismayed (灰心了)when they encounter yet another breakdown, you can be energized (充电)by it. You enjoy the challenge of analyzing the symptoms(症状), identifying what is wrong, and finding the solution.
You may prefer practical (实际的)problems or conceptual (概念性的)ones or personal ones. You may seek (主动寻找)out specific kinds of problems that you have met many times before and that you are confident you can fix. Or you may feel the greatest push when faced with complex and unfamiliar problems. Your exact preferences are determined by your other themes and experiences. But what is certain is that you enjoy bringing things back to life. (手到病除)
It is a wonderful feeling to identify the undermining (动摇根基的)factors, eradicate(根除) them, and restore (恢复)something to its true glory.)Intuitively, you know that without your intervention,(介入) this thing — this machine, this technique, this person, this company — might have ceased to function(停止工作). You fixed it, resuscitated it, rekindled its vitality.(重燃了生命之火) Phrasing it the way you might, you saved it.
How to manage a person strong in Restorative
- Ask this person for her observations when you want to identify a problem within your organization. Her insights will be particularly acute.
- Position her where she is paid to solve problems for your best customers. She enjoys the challenge of discovering and removing the obstacles.
- When a situation within your organization needs immediate improvement, turn to her for help. She will not panic but instead will respond in a focused, businesslike way.
- When she resolves a problem, make sure to celebrate the achievement. Every wrong situation righted is a success for her, and she will need you to view it as such. Show her that others have come to rely on her ability to dismantle obstacles and move forward.
- Offer your support when she meets a particularly thorny problem. Since she defines herself by her ability to cope, she may well feel personally defeated if the situation remains unresolved. Help her through it.
- Ask her in what ways she would like to improve. Agree that these improvements should serve as goals for the following six months. She will appreciate this kind of attention.
restorative: adj. 恢复的;修复的
symptom: n. 症状
eradicate: vt. 根除;斩草除根
resuscitate: vt. 复活;复苏
rekindle: vt. 重新点燃
acute: adj. 准确的;精确的
thorny: adj. 多刺的;棘手的
1.表示“睡眠的恢复性力量”:the restorative power of sleep
2. 表示“恢复性休息”:restorative rest
3. 表示“灰心”:be dismayed
4. 表示“手到病除;妙手回春”:bring things back to life
5. 表示“停止做某事”:cease to do sth.
1. They are energized by ideas, concepts and connections. (Ideation)
2. They may be energized by crashing of the things on their list. (Achiever)