Nagqu is the largest region in Tibet, possessing almost 47% area of the Tibet. Situated in the north part of Tibet at an altitude of around 4500 m, Nagqu has established itself as one of the most important political and economic center of Tibet, famous for trading and export of different commodities like animal products, mineral ores, and various agricultural products.
Nagqu Region is a natural farmland because of the vast grassland. And Nagqu was chosen to host the largest logistics center in the plateau region, which began operations in August 2009. Nagqu is also on the Qinghai-Tibet railway line.
Geography: The area is highlighted by grassland plateaus and towering mountains in the background. The splendid scenery adds to the travelers` list of things to see. Since the region is rather large, settle in one area and focus on the sites there.
Population: Nagqu has a population of 400,000 and most of them belong to different communities. The people of Nagqu are colorful and ardent custom followers full of courtesies and hospitality.
The best time to visit Nagqu is from May to September when the temperature is bit above the normal.
Administrative Division: Nagqu Prefecture administers 10 counties and among them, Nagqu County is the governmental center of this region.
Climate: The average annual temperature in Nagqu Region ranges between -.9 C to -3.3 C. This should be enough to convey the message that you just cannot go into the city without warm woolen clothes. Due to vast areas of plain lands, the city is extremely vulnerable to the violent sandstorms that are pretty frequent.
Shopping: Shopping in the city is actually a great experience for people who are looking for antique and traditional items. The specialty of Nagqu is jak, dried meet and Aweto, which is a creature found only here and is considered to be a great medicine to many diseases. When in Nagqu, don't miss the various festivals like ghost exorcising festival, Tibetan New Year and Herb festival.