一、题目:How to build self-discipline(古罗马“五贤帝”之一,马可·奥勒留关于自律的10个洞见)
1.Finding your purpose 找到你的人生目标
What I was created for?To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?(No!!!)
2.Conut on yourself 你是自己人生最大的资源
Keep your mind centered on itself. Build a practical plan of action to help you accomplish your goal(我们想要实现的一切,来自于我们的全力以赴)
3.Show up everyday 坚持=重新塑造
You must build up your life action by action. The simple act of showing up and immersing yourself in your craft does wonders for mental endurance.(质量互变)
4.Practice voluntary hardship 困难让我们强大
Constantly testing ourselves and by making life routinely uncomfortable in some way we are hardening ourselves for the day we may need to live it for real.(时刻准备着)
5.Practice dichotomy of control 学会课题分离
You have power over your mind-not outside events. Realize this,and you will find strength.(进行课题分离,接受我们无法掌控的,改变我们可以改变的)
6.Never play the victim
Do your job,without whining.(别沉溺在扮演“受害者”的“快感”中)
7.Practice delay Gratification 延迟满足
To wait to get what you want. Resist enjoying a bit of instant gratification.(万物有序,只做当前阶段要做的事)
8.Ignore Naysayers
When another blames you,hates you,criticize you,go to their souls,penetrate inside and see what sort of people they are.(忽略站着说话不腰疼的人)
9.Emulate wise people
Emulate wise people whether you choose someone living or from the past.(效仿卓越)
10.Honestly review your day
These are the characteristics of the rational soul:self-awareness,self-examination,and self- determination……(诚实自我反省是品质也是工具)
10 important insights for self-discipline from the writings“Meditations”of Marcus Aurelius,the last of Five Good Emperors.