YEP.76 – Tick-Based Regeneration
This plugin requires YEP_BattleEngineCore.js and YEP_BuffsStatesCore.js. Make sure this plugin is located under both of the listed plugins in the plugin list.
For those running a Tick-Based Battle System with the Battle Engine Core (ie. Active Turn Battle or Charge Turn Battle), this will automatically set your states for Turn End timings to use a Time Based system, but in turn, causes regeneration effects to occur individually.
This means that if Harold receives Low Healing Regen, then 50 ticks later, receives High Healing Regen, Harold does not regenerate HP at the same time. Instead, he will regenerate individually for both Low Healing Regen and High Healing Regen.
For states that do not function off a Turn End system but still utilize regeneration effects, those effects will also work off a tick-based manner.
Lunatic Mode Regenerate effects from the Buffs & States Core plugin will also function off of a periodic timed system as opposed to a regular per actor turn system.
If a state has been reapplied, the regeneration counter will also be reset as to synchronize with the state’s turn counter.
If a battler has passive states, that battler’s regeneration effects will reset at the start of each battle and clear itself at the end of battle. For example, if the amount of time you’ve set in the Battle Engine Core for the states to tick down is 100, at the start of battle, all passive states will be reset to 100 and must reach 0 before the regeneration effects trigger.