Business is tough now, in the economic downturn time. Employees of global companies are being laid off largely, such Tesla, Twitter, Intel, Microsoft and so on. Dear friends, fellow toastmasters, could you tell me something might be a bit sensitive ? Does your company make money more than before, have you got a promising picture of what your company? if yes, you got great luck! if not, what do you think of it?
Recently, I am pretty busy in B2B sales function role. Surprisingly, I found no business is easy now. No one take in deals only by having meals, get business growth just by good relations with someone. Unlike before, everything is in recession, but we are busier and busier. A few guys told me they are somehow working 16hs a day. some told me they are in danger of being fired, so that they never disobey their supervisors. even they got the worst solutions from the wrong people. One night, I talked with a product manager of our disty, he said "Angela, too tough now, my average sleeping time is 5hs, but my boss still pushes me to take more business Without any promotion or salary rise, i sitll don't dare to quit". Why, why this happen?
When I just graduated, it was quite the same. I didn't dare to quit if only I got the salary on time in 2009.Everybody knows it was another economic valley due to financial crisis. I was pretty poor, on the edge of bankrupt monthly. But , I fight against my manager if he didn't treat me fairly. I argue for my promotion fiercely if I like. When businesses opportunities knocked on my door. I call up with my friends simply '‘hi guys, let's do it “ We laugh while succeed , quarrel ,cry if lose. Celebrate hardly, when we made something crazy happen. fight with each other even more terribly if losing too much money.
Years later, now, some of us bankrupted. some of us like me switched into another career. some of us already have be a super boss. Life is like a play, at least, when we were young we were crazy doing something. We were impulsive to start up business, get marriage to someone, all in with sounded-friendship or boys call it brothership. But now, the young are all saying lay flatly, the middle aged are tamed to obey anything if need.
Guys, the future can not be predicted, but we can create it.
Do you like your life now? Work regularly? joining toastmasters' meetings regularly? Then, waiting for economy recover in 2,3,4,5--maybe many years later? No, no one wanna be sentenced by fate, be controlled by god. I know it , like you know yourselves. No possibility that in any time of the future, you are younger than this moment. If you may, could you please, get rid of the anxiety, the worries of the economic downturn. Think different, move different, do not let yourself from busier to busiest, but think before you do, do what you like doing ,love the people you cherish, create our own prosperous future by doing somehing for ourselves. In short, be brave to all in, stop complaining not in the best time.