学习词根---Unit 3.2


1. c   2. f   3. e   4. h   5. a   6. d   7. b   8. g

HYP/HYPO. 源自希腊前缀,意为"below, under".多数hypo-前缀的单词都为医学类。A hypodermic(注射器皮下注射的) needle injects medication under the skin. Hypotension, or low blood pressure, can be just as unhealthy as the better-known hypertension, or high blood pressure.

hypochondriac. A person overly concerned with his or her own health who often suffers from delusions of physical disease.

例句:Hercule Poirot, the detective hero of the Agatha Christie mysteries, is a notorious hypochondriac, always trying to protect himself from drafts.

One disease a hypochondriac really does suffer from is hypochondria(疑病症), the anxiety and depression that come from worrying too much about one's own health. Even though it's easy to joke about hypochondriacs, hypochondria is no joking matter for the sufferer. Somewhat surprisingly, the second part of hypochondria derives from chondros, the Greek word for "cartilage(软骨)." The cartilage in question is that of a sternum, or breastbone. From the ancient times, doctors believed that certain internal organs or regions were the seat of various diseases, both physical and mental, and the area under the breastbone was thought to be the source of hypochondria.

hypoglycemia. Abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood.

例句:She had been controlling her hypoglycemia through diet and vitamins, but she now realized she needed to added daily exercise as well.

The root glyk- means "sweet" in Greek, so glyc shows up in the names of various terms referring to a sugar as a chemical ingredient, such as glycerine and monoglyceride. People with diabetes have difficulty controlling the sugar in their blood. Too little can be dangerous; its early symptoms may be as minor as nervousness, shaking, and sweating, but it can lead to seizures and unconsciousness. Luckily, it can be taken care of easily by eating or drinking something high in carbohydrates. Its opposite, hyperglycemia, is the main symptom of a diabetes, and usually requires an injection of insulin(胰岛素), which the sufferer usually gives himself. Today many people--though not doctors--use hypoglycemia to mean a completely different condition, with some of the same milder symptoms, that doesn't involve low blood sugar. 

hypothermia.(体温过低) Subnormal temperature of the body.

例句:By the time rescuers were able to pull the boy from the pond's icy water, hypothermia had reached a life-threatening stage.

Hypothermia, which usually results from submersion(淹没) in icy water or prolonged exposure to cold, may constitute a grave medical emergency. It begins to be a concern when body temperature dips(下降) below 95°F(35°C), and the pulse, breathing, and blood pressure start to decline. Below 90°(32.2°C), the point at which the normal reaction of shivering ceases, emergency treatment is called for.

hypothetical.(假设的,假言) (1) Involving an assumption made for the sake of argument or for further study or investigation. (2) Imagined for purposes of example.

例句:The candidate refused to say what she would do if faced with a hypothetical military crisis.

The noun hypothesis comes straight from the Greek word meaning "foundation" or "base"--that is something "put under" something else. So a hypothesis is something you assume to be true in order that you can use it as the base or basis for a line of reasoning--and any such assumption can be called hypothetical. So, for example, the theory that the dinosaurs became extinct because of a giant meteor that struck the earth near the Yucatan Peninsula involves the hypothesis that such a collision would have had such terrible effects on the earth's climate that the great retiles would have been doomed. Once a hypothesis has been thoroughly studied and researched without being proved wrong, it generally comes to be called a theory instead.

THERM/THERMO. 源自希腊词语,意为"warm". A thermometer measures the amount of warmth in a body, the air, or an oven. A thermostat(温度自动调节器) makes sure the temperature stays at the same level. And it's easy to see why the German manufacturers of a vacuum-insulated bottle back in 1904 gave it the name Thermos.

thermal.(热的,保暖的) (1) Of, relating to, or caused by heat. (2) Designed to insulate in order to retain body heat.

例句:A special weave called thermal weave traps insulating air in little pockets to increase the warmth of long underwear and blankets.

In days gone by, much of the male population of the northern states in the cold months would wear a garment of thermal underwear covering the entire body, called a union suits kept sodbusters, cowboys, and townsfolk alike not only warm but also itchy and a little on the smelly side(back when bathing once a week was considered the height of cleanliness). Thermal imaging is photography that captures "heat pictures"--rather than ordinary light pictures--of objects. And thermal pollution occurs when industrial water use ends up warming a river in a damaging way. Small-plane pilots use thermal as a noun for a warm updraft, often over a plowed field or desert, that lifts their wings, just as it enables hawks to soar upward without moving their wings.

thermodynamics.(热力学) Physics that deals with the mechanical actions or relations of heat.

例句:With his college major in electrical engineering, he assumed it would be an easy step to a graduate-school concentration in thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics is based on the fact that all forms of energy, including heat and mechanical energy, are basically the same. Thus, it deals with the ways in which one form of energy is converted into another, when one of the forms is heat. The study of thermodynamics dates from before the invention of the first practical steam engine--an engine that uses steam to produce physical power--in the 18th century. Today most of the world's electrical power is actually produced by steam engines, and the principal use of thermodynamics is in power production.

thermonuclear.(热核的,热核武器的) Of or relating to the changes in the nucleus of atoms with low atomic weight, such as hydrogen, that require a very high temperature to begin.

例句:In the 1950s and '60s, anxious American families built thousands of underground "fallout shelters" to protect themselves from the radiation of a thermonuclear blast.

Nuclear is the adjective for nucleus, the main central part of an atom. The original nuclear explosives, detonated in 1945, were so-called fission bombs, since they relied on the fission, or splitting, of the nuclei(核心) of uranium(铀) atoms. But an even greater source of destructive(毁灭性的) power lay in nuclear fusion(核聚变), the forcing together of atomic nuclei. The light and heat given off by stars such as the sun come from a sustained fusion--or thermonuclear--reaction deep within it. On earth, such thermonuclear reactions were used to develop the hydrogen bomb, a bomb base on a fusion reaction that merged hydrogen atoms to become helium atoms. The thermonuclear era, which began in 1952, produced bombs hundreds of times more powerful than those exploded at the end of World War II. Why the thermo- in thermonuclear? Because great heat is required to trigger the fusion process, and the trigger used is actually a fission bomb.

British thermal unit. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit(华氏度) at a specified temperature.

例句:Wood-stove manufacturers compete with each other in their claims of how many British thermal units of heat output their stoves can produce.

Despite its name, the British thermal unit, or BTU, may be more widely used in North America than in Britain. Air conditioners, furnaces, and stoves are generally rated by BTUs.(Though "BTUs" is often short for "BTUs per hour";in air conditioner ratings, for instance, "BTUs" really means "BTUs of cooling capacity per hour.") Fuels such as natural gas and propane are also compared using BTUs. The BTU first appeared in 1876 and isn't part of the metric system--the metric unit of energy is the much smaller joule--so it isn't much used by scientists, but its practicality keeps it popular for consumer goods and fuels. A better-known heat unit is the calorie; a BTU is equal to about 252 calories. (Since the familiar food calorie is actually a kilocalorie, a BTU equals only about a quarter of a food calorie.)


Choose the closest definition:

1. hypothermia   a. excitability   b. subnormal temperature   c. external temperature   d. warmth

2. thermodynamics   a. science of motion   b. nuclear science   c. science of explosives   d. science of heat energy

3. hypoglycemia   a. extreme heat   b. low blood sugar   c. low energy   d. high blood pressure

4. thermal   a. boiling   b. heat-related   c. scorching   d. cooked

5. hypothetical   a. typical   b. substandard   c. sympathetic   d. assumed

6. hypochondriac   a. person with imaginary visions   b. person with heart congestion   c. person with imaginary ailments   d. person with imaginary relatives.

7. British thermal unit   a. unit of electricity   b. heat unit   c. ocean current unit   d. altitude unit

8. thermonuclear   a. nuclear reaction requiring high heat   b. chemical reaction requiring a vacuum   c. biological reaction producing bright light   d. nuclear reaction based on distance from the sun.

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