01Be grateful要学会感恩
Slow down, look around you, and pay attention to thelittle details in your life – the delicate purple flower on the sidewalk, thebeautiful sunset, the hot shower that washes away your long day, and the smilein your partner’s eyes…
让自己变慢脚步,看看你的四周,关注生活中的细微之处:人行道上淡紫色的花,美丽的日落,洗去你一天疲惫的淋浴,伴侣眼中的笑容。When you have a grateful heart thatis appreciative of life’s beautify, wonder and blessings, you’re automaticallyfilled with happiness.
02Choose your friends wisely明智的选择自己的朋友
According to Harvard, the most important external factorsaffecting individual happiness are human relationships. So if you want to behappy, choose to be around people who are optimistic, who appreciate you as youare, and who can make your life richer, bigger, more fun, and more meaningful.
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03 Cultivate compassion培养同情心
When we try to step into other people’s shoes andunderstand a situation from another’s perspective, we’re more likely to handlethe situation with compassion, objectivity and effectiveness. There will beless conflicts and more happiness.
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04Keep learning不断学习
Learning keeps us young and dreams keep us alive. When weengage our brains and put them toward productive uses, we’re less likely todwell on unhappy thoughts and much more likely to feel happy and fulfilled.
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05Become a problem solver学会解决问题
Happy people are problem solvers. When they encounter achallenge in life, they don’t beat themselves up and fall into a depressivestate. Instead, they face up to the challenge and channel their energies towardfinding creative a solution. By becoming a problem solver, you’ll build up yourself-confidence and your ability to accomplish whatever it is you set your mindto – and whatever challenges life throws your way.
延伸阅读:《潜意识造就了人类的大部分决定 | 鲜为人知的心理学冷知识》
06 Do what you love做你想做的事情
Since we spend over one-third of our adult life working,loving what we do has a huge impact on our overall happiness. If this is notpossible at the moment, then try to find enjoyment and meaning in your currentwork, or cultivate a hobby that involves doing something you love.
07Live in the present活在当下
When you feel depressed, you’re living in the past. Whenyou feel worried or anxious, you’re living in the future. But when you feelcontent, happy and peaceful, you’re living in the present.
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08Laugh often要经常笑
Laughter is the most powerful anecdote to anger ordepression. Research has shown that the simple act of curving the corners ofyour mouth can increase your feeling of happiness. So don’t take life tooseriously. Try to find humor and laughter in life’s everyday struggles.
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09Practice forgiveness学会原谅
Resentment and anger are forms of self-punishment. Whenyou forgive, you’re actually practicing kindness to yourself. And mostimportantly, learn to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s throughour mistakes that we learn and grow to become a bigger and better person.
10Say thanks often要经常说谢谢
Always be appreciative of the blessings in your life. Andit’s equally important to express your appreciation to those who’ve made yourlife better in some way, big or small.
11Create deeper connections学会深交
Our happiness multiplies when we connect and bond withanother human being on a deeper level. And being fully present and listeningare two of the most important skills to strengthening that bond and bringinghappiness to ourselves, and to others.
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12Keep your agreement守承诺
Our self-esteem is built on the agreements we’ve madewith ourselves. And high self-esteem has a direct correlation to happiness. Sokeep your agreements with others and with yourself.
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According to Harvard, people who take 8 sessions ofmindfulness meditation training are, on average, 20% happier than a controlgroup. Such training can lead to structural brain changes including increasedgrey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning andmemory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion andintrospection.
14Focus on what you're doing关注你在做的事情
When you put your mind, heart and soul into what you’redoing, you’re creating a happiness state – called the “flow.” When you’reliving in the flow, you’re less likely to care about what others may think ofyou, and less bothered by things that are not that important. The result? Morehappiness, of course!
15Be optimistic要乐观
For happy people, the glass is always half-full. If yourtendency is to imagine the very worst-case scenario every time you face achallenge, then train yourself to reverse that tendency. Ask yourself what goodcan come out of the situation or what you can learn from it. Optimism surelyfuels success and happiness.
16 Love unconditionally无条件的爱
No one is perfect. Accept yourself for all of yourimperfections. And do so for others. Loving someone unconditionally does notmean that you need to spend all your time with them or help them figure outtheir problems. Unconditional love means accepting people as they are, andallowing them to find their own ways, at their own pace.
17Don't give up不要放弃
Unfinished projects and repeated defeats inevitablydampen one’s self-esteem. If you’ve made up your mind to do something, see itthrough. Don’t give up until you succeed. Remember, failure is temporary butdefeat is permanent. And defeat only occurs when you give up.
延伸阅读:《人性最真实的谎言| 是不是有了方向,我才能全力以赴?》
18Do your best and then let go做最好的自己,然后放手
Everyone has limitations, and things don’t always turnout to be what we’d like them to be – despite our efforts. So always give yourbest, and then let go. Let events run their course. When you’ve done your best,you’ll have no regrets.
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19Take care of yourself好好照顾自己
A healthy body is the key to happiness. If you have poorhealth, it’s very difficult to be happy no matter how hard you try. So makesure you eat well, exercise and find time to rest. Take good care of your body,your mind and your spirit.
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20Give back学会给予
Doing good is one of the surest ways to feel good.According to Harvard, when people do good, their brains becomes active in thevery same reward center that is stimulated when they experience other rewards.So it’s not a surprise that people who care more about others are happier thanthose who care less about others.
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