Chapter 3 Mental Representations
- The Accidental Blindfold Chess Master
- The Secret To Winning Chess
- Mental Representations
- Recognizing And Responding To Patterns
- Making Sense Of Information
- Finding An Answer
- Planning
- Mental Representations In Learning
- Physical Activities Are Mental Too
Every so often the New York Times publishes a column called "Think Like a Doctor" by Lisa Sanders, a doctor and author.
every so often 也作every now and then, sometimes, but not often or regularly
例句:I still see her every so often.
造句:I still would think of him every so often.
Thus, when the police officer went to the urgent-care clinic complaining of an earache, the doctor there assumed the problem was an infection of some sort -- which would have been the correct answer in most cases -- and didn't worry about the seemingly irrelevant fact that one of the patient's pupils was acting up.
act up // if a machine or part of your body acts up, it does not work properly
例句:The computer is acting up again.
造句:Expert doctors might easily notice the patient's pupils was acting up.
They use MRIs, CT scans, and other images to take a look inside the patient and identify potential trouble spots, then they devise a plan of attack.
devise 及物动词,to plan or invent a new way of doing something
例句:She devised a method for quicker communications between offices.
造句:The child is super brilliant and he has already devised a few programs on his own.
Much of Chaffin's work with Imreh is reminiscent of how I monitored Steve Faloon's development of mental representations for memorizing strings of digits.
reminiscent 形容词,reminding you of something
例句:That is quite a style strongly reminiscent of Virginia Woolf's novels.
造句:The whole pictures on the wall are reminiscent of my good old memories.
But even in areas where artistic form is not explicitly judged, it is still important to train the body to move in particularly efficient ways.
explicit // expressed in a way that is very clear and direct
例句:The contrast could not have been made more explicit.
造句:Please make yourself explicit when you try to describe something.