4 《降临》 - 1
2017自己看的最好的5部电影之一。也是今年遇到的第一部神作《你一生的故事》的翻拍电影,原作勇超阿西莫夫的佳作《永恒的终结》。电影基本还原了小说,兼具感情,科学,哲学,世界观,引人深思。要提一下,电影导演Denis Villeneuve今年拍的另外一部电影《银翼杀手 2049》同样是今年最好的5部电影之一。
抛去科幻的外衣,本片哲学的内涵 - amor fati (or love of fate)- 也是存在主义最核心的思想之一,从最早的蒙田,到尼采,再到存在主义大师们,他们一直坚持积极面对生活每一刻,不消极埋冤已发生的,以最大勇气和乐观态度面对一切,即便知道旅途的最后结果。
The way to live is to throw ourselves, not into faith, but into our own lives, conducting them in affirmation of every moment, exactly as it is, without wishing that anything was different, and without harboring peevish resentment against others or against our fate. (蒙田)
Do not seek to have everything that happens happen as you wish, but wish for everything to happen as it actually does happen and your life will be serene. "If I had to live over again," he wrote cheerfully, "I would live as I have lived." (萨特)