Two BBC programmers are talking about blood types. Usually, westerners don't care or know their blood types but in some parts of Asia, blood type is a big deal. In Japan, there is even blood stereotype and harassment towards a certain blood group. The Japanese believe that type A are perfectionists, detail-oriented, have strong team spirit, follow rules and customs, and love helping others; type AB are creative; type O are curious, generous, and stubborn.
The type B is the least desirable according to the Japanese who think of type B as selfish and independent. (harassment) But are there scientific basis behind these beliefs? The answer is no. Different blood types are just different bodies' different responses towards different pathogens. Blood types support people's immune system. That's why the same blood type is needed for a successful blood transfusion. However, type O can be given to anyone. Type O is indeed generous.
personality 性格
sth is a big deal 很重要
woe 困难,灾难,痛苦,悲伤
desirable 都想要,都喜欢的
less desirable 都不太想要的
archaeology 考古学
is there any science behind these beliefs? 背后有科学依据吗?
horoscope 星座
same blood type is needed for a successful blood transfusion 输血需要同样的血型才能成功
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