Confidence?It’s a concept
Faith and doubt both are needed – not as
antagonists, but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve.Lillian Smith
信仰和疑惑都有用—不是作为对手,而是并肩协作,带我们走过未知的道路。Lillian Smith
I get so frustrated when I’m strugglingwith something (personal or professional) and I approach someone for input andthey come back with something like:just be confident.
·Have faith in yourself.要对自己有信心。
·Clout the doubt!要击败疑惑!
·Success is can, not can’t.成功是关于你能行,而不是你不行。
The variations are endless.不同的说法无穷无尽
However well meaning the advice (and itusually is) these platitudes don’t move us forward.
On the contrary, they make thing worse.
Not only do we have doubts but now wefeel bad that we do because (apparently) we are unlike everyone else in theworld.
It’s a double whammy.这可是双重打击。
But where are these so-called doubtlesspeople?
Sure, we can have relatively more orless confidence than others and even within ourselves, be more or lessconfident about different areas of our expertise or experience.
But we are human and all humans havedoubts.
Some people may project what looks likeimpenetrable self-confidence in the world.Oftenit’s just an image designed to manage the way others respond to them.
For example, they might be dismissive.The cold shoulder or cursory glance is designedto keep others out and creates a power relationship in which they (the ‘giver’of approval) manage you (the ‘receiver’ of their good will).
This is a sophisticated gag order.
Or they might flummox you withjargon.Here the game is about confusing you intoagreement.
Irrespective of the tool they used theoutcomes is usually about preventing difference.Why?Because difference suggests that there is no‘one or ‘right’ way.And that means a lack of control.
In my experience the more intact the maskthe deeper the insecurity.
On the other hand, I think doubt can behealthy.
I am not talking about such excessivedoubt that you become paralyzed into inaction.
But doubt is what causes us to redo theexperiment, triple check the data, listen harder to what others are trying tocommunicate.It propels us to try harder, do better, to grow.
It also cultivates empathy.疑惑还培养了我们的同理心。
Anxious? Unsure?Worried?(Ah we nod, been there done that.)
Having lived with the discomfort ofdoubt and the difficult emotions that emerge we understand ina visceral way what others are going through.
This allows us to be truly supportive,not by peppering the conversation with banality but by being the embodyingwhat is possible despite our flaws.
So the next time someone tells you to‘be confident’, remember that confidence is just a concept, an idea.
commitment that counts.承诺才是最重要。
Not sure if you can do the job? Whetherthe project will succeed?If the bookwill be good enough? The music will not be well received?
Doit anyway.
Whatever happens, you will learn.
And the feedback you get will help youreadjust (or reaffirm) your path.And you mayaccept it, or you may not.