Persuasive,persuade 有说服力的,在劝说
Tactics 策略
vast 更广阔
Validation 该验证
reinforcement 加强
demonstrate 一名示威者
Reciprocity 礼尚往来
obliged 有义务
indebted 感激的
Scarcity 缺乏
sparingly 保守地
motivating 激励
Endorsements 代言
《设计思维初学者指南》Design Thinking The Beginner's Guide3.3
《设计思维初学者指南》Design Thinking The Beginner's Guide1.2-04
Mindsets 心态;
Innovation 革新;
appropriate 适当;
aspects 方面;
fostering 培育;
synthesis 合成;
influence 影响;
intense 激烈;
imagination 想像力;
notion 概念;
domain 域;
inhibiting 抑制;
implementation 履行;
unleashed 如虎添翼;
corporations 公司;
institutional 制度;
conformist 墨守成规;
busted 破获;
collaborative 共同;
explorative 探索;
combine 结合;
innovative 创新;
Cross-disciplinary 跨学科;
wicked 邪恶;
holistic 整体;
multidisciplinary 多学科;
expertise 专门知识;
revolutionary 革命的;
facilitate 促进;
collaboration 合作;
silo 发射井;
Troubleshooting 故障排除;
Ideation 思维;
bias 偏压, 偏差, 偏见, 偏心;
collaborative 共同;
mitigate 减轻, 缓和, 减免;
collaboration 合作, 协作, 合作社;
executives 高管;
isolated 孤立, 孤, 遥远, 索, 遥, 遥遥;
diverse 多种;
reputation 声誉;
inherent 固有;
faults 故障;
messy 乱;
Pitfalls 陷阱;
conference 会议;
colleagues 同事;
group-dynamics problems 组动力学问题;
Similarity 相似, 类似, 像, 相似性;
validation 验证;
perspectives 观点;
Complementarity 互补;
component 零件; The fourth and final component of Attraction Theory is complementarity。
condition 条件;
Radically 根本;
religious 宗教;
political 政治;
provoke 惹, 挑衅, 招惹, 刺激, 挑动, 寻衅;
Uncertainty Reduction Theory 减少不确定性理论;
nonverbal 非语言;verbal 口头;
cues 线索;
posits 断定;
《从零开始成为一名用户体验设计师-4.3》Become a UX Designer from Scratch 4.3
stakeholders 利益相关者;
Coming to a Shared Understanding 达成共识;
misinterpret 误解;
offensive 冒犯;
commonality 共性;
《从零开始成为一名用户体验设计师》Become a UX Designer from Scratch
Personalize 个性化 Personalize your message使你的消息更具情感化;
informs 告诉、预示;
inspires 鼓励;
component 成分;Personalized content that informs, inspires, and delights is a critical component.;
critical 关键的;批评的,爱挑剔的;严重的;极重要的;
value n.价值,价格;意义,涵义;重要性;(邮票的)面值 vt.评价;重视,看重;估价,给…定价 Focus on understanding what your users value about your service ;
tailor 制作;
engagement 约会; 订婚,婚约; 约定,契约; 雇用
skyrocket 突升,猛涨
transform into 把…转变成…
rabid 狂热的; 狂暴的; 疯狂的; 患狂犬病的
advocates 提倡者; 律师( advocate的名词复数 ); 辩护律师; 基督; 拥护
good-old user 好的老用户
Image credit 图片来源;
synonymous 代名词;
Estimated 预计; Estimated time to complete 预计完成时间
option 选项; the only option for 唯一选项
alternatives 备用方案;
UX User Experience 用户体验;
UCD user-centered design 以用户为中心的设计
《从零开始成为一名用户体验设计师》Become a UX Designer from Scratch
instance 例子、实例;I can't think of another instance on...我不能想到的另一个实例
ruin sb experience 破坏某人的经验;surfaced content ruins their experience弹出框会破坏他们的使用经历;
passion 情,感情,感受,情景;Most tasks we deal with aren't tasks of passion. (这里passion=situation)
a small portion of 一小部分;
visceral aversion 内心的厌恶;
spoilers 破坏者;
segment 分割;段;quickly growing segment of people 一部分增长很快的用户
binge-watch 连续观看;
originally aired 最初播放;
prospective 预期; A university website may speak mostly to prospective students, but it doesn’t include images or language that might turn off potential donors.大学网站可能主要用来针对未来学生,但不包括阻挡潜在捐助者的图片或语言。
《美学-可用性效应》The Aesthetic-Usability Effect
minor usability issues 较小的可用性问题;
interface visually appealing 界面视觉上吸引人;
aesthetic-usability effect 美学可用性效应;
frustration to 无奈之举;
usability-test 可用性测试;
usability-test moderators 可用性测试原型;
comment on sb experience 总结sb的经验;
encountered 遇到; one user encountered many issues while... 当....一个用户遇到很多问题
a positive emotional response 积极的情绪反应;
《人工智能、用户体验和未来的可寻性》Artificial Intelligence, UX and the Future of Findability
set to 着手于; You set to redesign the service 你开始着手重新设计系统
embark 开始、从事于;
structured 结构化;
queries 查询;
usage 使用;
hook up 连接;
parses 解析;
manually 手动,手动地;
in real-time 实时、立即;
in the form of 以...的形式;
metadata 元数据;
phases 阶段
refine 完善、提纯;
facets 方面;
plain 平原;
Over time 随着时间的推移‘
hypotheses 假设;
generate 生成;
identify trends 确定趋势;
《如何向管理层推销内容策略》How to Sell Content Strategy to Management
statistics 统计数据;
tactics 战术;
prompted 提示;
portal 门户网站; its online consumer portal
Content Strategy at Work 在工作的内容策略
expiration 到期;
executives 高管;
organization 组织;
role 角色;
staffing 人员配备;
optimal tone 最优的语气; What is the optimal tone that the organization’s content should use?
cohesive 有凝聚力的;
relevant relevant;
《如何创建用户角色》How to:Create A User Persona
Quote 报价;
Demographics 人口统计学;
gives sb quick insight into sth 使某人迅速了解某事。;
Google Analytics 谷歌分析;
marital status 婚姻状况;
interact 交互;
Character (Archetypes & Tier) 角色(原型和层级);
visionary n. 空想家;梦想者;有眼力的人
adj. 梦想的;幻影的
radical 激进的; Be careful not to undermine Personas by using jargon like “visionary” or “radical” without going into detail about what exactly these words imply.
visionaries 有远见的人、空想主义者;
12 common archetypes 12个通用的人物性格;
engagement 订婚;
adoption curve 采用曲线;
enterprise 企业;
marketing decisions 市场策略
Personality 个性; user personality types 用户人格类型;
instinct 本能、直觉、天性;
《表单设计的新规则》The New Rules of Form Design
Provide Effortless Formatting 提供格式;
guesswork 猜测;
appearance 外观;
placeholder 占位符;
contain 包含;
the larger tap targets of 更大的目标;
SpellCheck 拼写检查;
AutoCorrect 自动更正;
AutoComplete 自动完成;
excess 多余的,过量、过激;