CDH is Cloudera’s 100% open source platform distribution(平台发行版), including Apache Hadoop and built specifically to meet enterprise demands. CDH delivers(提供) everything you need for enterprise use right out of the box(开箱即用). By integrating (整合)Hadoop with more than a dozen other critical(关键) open source projects, Cloudera has created a functionally(功能) advanced(先进) system that helps you perform (执行)end-to-end Big Data workflows.
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager官网链接
The recommended tool for installing Cloudera Enterprise
Cloudera Manager makes it easy to manage Hadoop deployments of any scale in production. Quickly deploy, configure, and monitor your cluster through an intuitive UI - complete with rolling upgrades, backup and disaster recovery, and customizable alerting.
Cloudera Manager is available as an integrated and supported part of Cloudera Enterprise.
This download installs Cloudera Enterprise or Cloudera Express.(意思是说下载cloudera MANAGER 之后会安装 Cloudera Enterprise 或者 Cloudera Express.)
Cloudera Enterprise requires a license; however, when installing Cloudera Express you will have the option to unlock Cloudera Enterprise features for a free 60-day trial.
Once the trial has concluded, the Cloudera Enterprise features will be disabled until you obtain and upload a license.
用于安装Cloudera Enterprise的推荐工具
Cloudera Manager可以轻松管理生产中任何规模的Hadoop部署。 通过直观的UI快速部署,配置和监控集群,包括滚动升级,备份和灾难恢复以及可自定义的报警。
Cloudera Manager作为Cloudera Enterprise的集成和支持部分可用。
我们解释一下上文提到的 Cloudera Enterprise,这是CDH的收费版,我们常用的版本叫做 Cloudera Express ,这是免费版
选择何种版本是在安装完Cloudera MANAGER 后进入图形界面进行选择
Cloudera Manager 结构
Cloudera Manager 的架构如上图所示(cs结构),主要由如下几部分组成:
Cloudera Manager 的核心。主要用于管理 web server 和应 用逻辑。它用于安装软件,配置,开始和停止服务,以及管理服务运行的集群。代理/agent:
存储配置和监控信息。通常可以在一个或多个数据库服务器上运行的多个逻辑数据库。例如,所述的 Cloudera 管理器服务和监视,后台程序使用不同的逻辑数据库。Cloudera Repository: :由cloudera manager 提供的软件分发库
提供了一个与 Server 交互的接口:- 管理平台/Admin Console:提供一个管理员管理集群和 Cloudera Manage 的基于网页的交互界面。
- API:为开发者提供了创造自定义 Cloudera Manager 程序的 API。
Cloudera Manager版本选择
我们选择的版本是:Cloudera Manager 5.11.0
当你在官网选择了Cloudera Manager 5.11.0版本之后,下面会对应提示该版本所支持的操作系统版本及JDK版本和其他选项
点击上图的选项,我们看到了5.11.0 对操作系统及JDK及DATABASE的要求:
[root@test001 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
CDH and Cloudera Manager Supported JDK Versions
Only 64 bit JDKs from Oracle are supported. Oracle JDK 7 is supported across all versions of Cloudera Manager 5 and CDH 5. Oracle JDK 8 is supported in C5.3.x and higher.
[root@test001 ~]# java -version
java version "1.8.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_51-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.51-b03, mixed mode)