- Kate想去意大利工作,所以她在学习意大利语。
- 我的一些朋友在建造自己的房子,他们希望明年夏天完成。
- 你今天工作得很努力。
- 我所在的公司今年做得不是很好。
- 我想减肥,所以这周我都不吃午饭了。
- Tim今天没有工作,他请假了。
- Paul和Sally吵架了,他们不跟彼此说话。
- 你的英语有进步吗?
- 世界人口增长地很快。
- 我起初并不喜欢我的工作。但是我现在开始喜欢它了。
- 我累了。我需要休息。
- Kate wants to work in Italy. So she's learning Italian.
- Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope to finish it next summer.
- You are working hard today/this week.
- The company I worked for isn't doing so well this year.
- I want to lose weight, so this week I am not eating lunch.
- Tim isn't working today. He's taken a day off.
- Paul and Sally have had an argument. They are not speaking to each other.
- Is your English getting better?
- The population in the world is increasing very fast.
- I didn't like my job at first. But I'm beginning to like it now.
- I am getting tired. I need a rest.
1-2: 这期间在进行,此时此刻并不一定在进行
3-7: 强调这个期间持续的动作
8-11: 正在一点点地