obscure /əb'skjuə/
adj. 无名的、鲜为人知的
- an obscure German poet
- 一位名不见经转的德国诗人
adj. 难以理解的、费解的
- I found her lecture very obscure.
- 我觉得她的讲座让人难以理解
- For some obscure reason, he failed to turn up.
- 他莫名其妙地没有如期出席
v. 使模糊、使隐晦、使费解
- The view was obscured by fog.
- 雾中景色朦胧
- We musn't let these minor details obscure the main issue.
- 我们不能让枝节问题掩盖主要问题
obscurity /əb'skjuərəti/
n. 默默无闻
- He spent most of his life working in obscurity.
- 他在默默无闻的工作中度过了大半生
n. 晦涩、费解
- a speech full of obscurities
- 一场晦涩难懂的演说
collapse /kə'læps/
v. (建筑物)突然倒塌、坍塌
- The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
- 房顶在雪的重压下突然坍塌了下来
v. (因病)晕倒
- He collapsed in the street and died two hours later.
- 他晕倒在大街上,两小时后便去世了
v. 崩溃、瓦解
- All opposition to the plan has collapsed.
- 所有反对此计划的力量均已消除
outlook /'autluk/
n. 观点、世界观、人生观
- He had practical outlook on life.
- 他的人生观很实际
n. 前景、可能性
- The outlook for jobs is bleak.
- 就业市场前景黯淡
n. 景色
- The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley.
- 房子俯瞰山谷,景色宜人
idle /'aidl/
a. 懈怠的、懒散的
- an idle student
- 懒散的学生
v. 混时间、无所事事
- They idled the days away, taking and watching television.
- 他们天天在闲聊和看电视中消磨时光