FCT refers to functional testing. Typically, the functional test is performed during the last phase of the production line.[1]
This is often referred to as a final quality control test, which is done to ensure that specifications are carried out by FCTs.
The process of FCTs is entailed by the emulation or simulation of the environment in which a product is expected to operate. This is done so to check, and correct any issues with functionality. The environment involved with FCTs consists of any device that communicates with an DUT, the power supply of said DUT, and any loads needed to make the DUT function correctly.
FCTs uses customer specific connectors, rather than a test point on the PCB.
Functional tests are performed in an automatic fashion by production line operators using test software. In order for this to be completed, the software will communicate with any external programmable instruments such as I/O boards, digital multimeters, and communication ports. In conjunction with the test fixture, the software that interfaces with the DUT is what makes it possible for a FCT to be performed.
Device under test (DUT), also known as equipment under test (EUT) and unit under test (UUT), is a term used to refer to a manufactured product undergoing testing, either at first manufacture or later during its life cycle as part of ongoing functional testing and calibration checks. This can include a test after repair to establish that it's performing in accordance with the original product specification.
FCT 是指功能测试,通常在生产线的最后阶段完成,做为最终产品质量控制的测试作业,保证功能规格式样的正确执行。DNME习惯称为动作测试。
功能测试由生产线作业人员使用测试软件自动完成, 软件与外部可编程设备,诸如 I/O板卡、数字万用表、通信端口等进行通信,配合测试治具,软件与DUT进行交互从而完成FCT测试过程。
待测设备 (DUT)或称为被测设备 (EUT)或称为测试单元 (UUT)是指进行测试的制品,可以是最初生产,或者产品生命周期中的功能测试和标定检验,还包括修理后确认符合原始产品的规格式样。
- 定位制造缺陷,包括焊接短路、缺件、错件、以及断线。
- 待测设备无需上电即可完成多项测试,可以避免造成设备损坏的诸多条件。
- 针床治具架与组件模型网络之间对应的测试程序编程量最小化。