How to Actually Get Rich
A few simple rules to live by:
Trust no one– Unless you are someone’s loving and devoted wife or mother no one gives a damn about your future. Least of all ‘money managers’. Point the finger inward, never outward. It’s your job and your responsibility to make sure you have a future. It pays to be paranoid. Verify everything.
Produce income– Wealth isn’t coming to you via a paycheck and $3 saved daily on a cup of coffee. It is coming from production, from action, from earning more money.
Live below your means– You simply cannot be in debt lest you want to work in a 9-5 job forever. Debt is slavery, money and time is freedom. Think big to live little. Cut down the big expenses like housing, automobile, higher education, credit card debt, cell phone bill etc. When your biggest bills are tiny you can afford all the little coffee’s you want. Big expenses do not increase quality of life, they increase stress. No bills, no stress.
Take action when opportunity presents itself– The real reason to save money, to use it to make more money.