出租 rental
押金 deposit
里程数 mileage
小型的 compact
中型的 intermediate
运动型实用汽车 SUV
限制 limit
每一天 per day
Mid size/intermediate 中型小轿车
van 七人座面包车
Suv 运动型实用车
Pick up 皮卡
1 我们可以租一辆车。
We can rent a car.
2 我预定了一辆中型车。
I made a reservation for the mid size.
3 你们有什么类型的车?
What kinds of cars do you have?
4 你们要收押金吗?
Do you charge deposit?
5 有限制里程数吗?
Is there any mileage limit?
6 还车的时候需要加满油吗?
Do I have to fill up when I check in?
7 车一天的租金是多少?
What is the rent for the car per day?
8 您将在本周15号还车。
We have you returning here on 15th Friday.
9 你可以骑车去。
You can go by bike.
10 他可以找个家教帮他。
He can find a tutor to help him.
11 我预定了一辆小型车。
I made a reservation for the compact car.
12 约翰在租车公司预定了一辆SUV。
John booked a SUV.
13 你们这里有什么类型的车?
What types of cars do you have?
14 我需要你付三个月的房租作为押金。
I need to charge you three months rent for security deposit.
15 这间公寓每个月的租金是多少?
What is the rent for the apartment per month?
16 这栋房子每年的租金是多少?
What is the rent for this house per year?
17 车一天的租金是多少?
How much is the rent for car per day?
18 租这个公寓要多少钱?
How much does it cost to rent this apartment?